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I hope the 2nd season is NOT a faithful adaptation. So many fucking delays for that game for me just to end up hating it.

Evan Pullio-Puder

I would honestly advise giving the second game a shot. The spoilers I'm sure you saw don't do it justice at all. I personally consider it to be another masterpiece and actually prefer it to the first game. The writing is phenomenal and it's legit one of the best experiences I've ever had playing a game.


Both games are amazing, the second one does exactly what a great sequel does and builds upon the first game and expands on it and the world. I honestly hope you just play or watch the second 2nd one, make your opinion on your own cause people honestly lost their damn minds when this game came out. Trust the writer, everything you feel in the game throughout the story is exactly what they want you to feel. Don't go into it disagreeing with it beforehand cause you'll never like it, give it the benefit of the doubt, i urge you lol it's ultimately one of the best story games and the actual gameplay is top tier fun and challenging.


I think what happened, had to happen, but they could have done it better. I know the reason why, to make the shock factor hit more, but at least give them a better exit to the series. (kept vague on purpose.) Overall I enjoyed TLOU2 but they could have done it a bit better.


I second this; I actually like Part 2 more in almost every way.


I watched the whole gameplay of Last of Us 2 and it wasn't good at all for me, some people call it masterpiece meanwhile it is 58/100 user score on metacritic.


Apparently the 2nd game story will run over 2 or more tv seasons. If you're doing a poll for the next show to watch, please include Vikings. :D

Evan Pullio-Puder

Metacritic user scores is a terrible source for anything. The script partially leaked before the game came out and it was review bombed by tons of people who never even played a second of the game.


Nah people shit on it most when it was played on twitch,youtube. Userscore is always more reliable than any "critic" score paid by companies, where everything is 9-10/10 if you paid enough. Dunno i didn't like it at all, from what i saw people either love it or hate it im in the second group.


I Propose Netflix "Dark" series.