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I completely agree with ending sucking but they went overbudget. Fortunately it was successful to allow them to make The End of Evangellion. I imagine most people's favoritism for Evangellion comes with it was an early introduction into anime and it holds a soft spot in their heart. I have a soft spot for Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball because they were some of my first introduction to anime. Though this is before Funimation owned it lol. It I watched it in the Pioneer days in syndication so we're talking 92 93, when I was 12 or 13. It came on at like 6 AM. but it always stopped when Goku arrives on Namek, Butit got me to watch other serie like Ronin Warriors.

Nicholas NB

I think this series is 11/10; will never be beat for as long as I live and your opinions and feelings about it are 100% legitimate. Any fan that says otherwise really didn't take much away from the show's themes and messages.


when you say that do you mean just the series by itself, or are you including The End of Evangelion movie? Also I was an abnormal kid I was already familiar the concepts of the tree of life and things like the book of Enoch when I was a teenager. The series by itself is middling at the end. Now when you add The End of Evangelion it becomes quite better. But, everyone is entitled to their opinion.