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Spy x Family Episode 15 Full Length Reaction



In my opinion you do as you like Kacee, if you really want to know what's next read manga, if you think that anime is amazing and its waste to read, wait for anime. Sometimes anime is really better and its worth to wait, but the best about reading manga in my opinion is reading something really good/popular without anime and refreshing your memory with it when anime came, sometimes also anime don't get continuation so manga is only answer depends.

april 🍏

I kind of like the manga read/vs. non manga reader dynamic that you guys have with this show. I love reading manga but I don't normally read shounen manga so I have never had this feeling with an action anime, but I like seeing Anthony be surprised/try and figure out what's going to happen, and Kacee (like me) be excited to see parts of the story you read come to life through animation.