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Hey everyone, 

We are going to be making a change to how we watch AOT going forward.  After receiving a lot of feedback about our subtitles being inaccurate and missing important elements of the story and switching around to a few different versions and still receiving the same feedback, we have decided to switch to the English dub.  This will be easier during the editing process, as well as we will be able to pay more attention to what is going on in the show instead of focusing on the subtitles.  We will be starting the dub on episode 9 and we will be going back and re-watching the first 8 episodes in the English dub on our own time to make sure we didn't miss anything.  

Thank you all so much for understanding,

Kacee & Anthony


The clapper of all cheeks

🙌🏼 this is one of the few anime I find both the dub and sub good but glad your switching to dub because I prefer dub over sub as long as the dub is good 👌🏽


Personally, I'm fine with either. The subtitles are a little off, but it is not bad to the point where vital information is missed. I think switching to the dub, though, might not be a good idea as it gets a lot of hate for the voice acting from the majority. Both sides have good and bad. But if you prefer the dub, then I don't see why not. In the end, you can't really appease everyone. Just be aware that many, especially on youtube swear by subs and some can be vicious.

Kage Uzumaki

i don't mind at all, for some reactors it is easier to watch dub since they don't have to read, either hope everything works out for you guys


yeah, dub is good for you guys, you can focus on the animation and story


I personally always liked subs better, but I totally understand the decision. Do whatever works best for you guys and enjoy the show!

eric micke

Yeah I switch back and forth based on what's available when I got around to watching a season. Never felt like I had anything wrong or missed anything by doing that. Since I started watching your full length videos I've been using the English Dub and it never was an issue between what you were watching and what I was. Though I have seen the show a couple times both subbed and subbed so I may have unknowingly filled in any gaps.


No problem with this thanks for updating


I watched it in dub and thoroughly enjoyed it so i am here for it!


Dammit, another SnK reaction I’m going to drop. Sorry I do understand your guys reasons for switching over and I’m normally 50/50 with sub and dub since I tend to watch anime in sub first and then switch to dub when I rewatch cause I mostly get lazy with reading subs nowadays. It also depends on how many episodes the anime has but SnK ( AOT ) and Haikyuu are the only anime I strictly stick with sub only. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your journey watching this amazing anime ( I might actually just watch your guys discussions and thoughts at the end of episodes instead ). Also don’t worry I’m still sticking around to watch your guys reactions to other anime like MHA, Death Note, Demon Slayer and more in the future 😊

Sheraya san

oop y’all done did it now lol the sub fans won’t be too please and they can be a bit insufferable. whatever works best for y’all. i would still advise you put subtitles on because the music is so blaring sometimes it’s hard to hear the dialogue.


I've watched AoT in its entirety subbed twice, though I can't remember exactly which subs I used. Each time was on a different platform/subber. I've always watched the dub with my parents. I prefer the sub in AoT strictly for the voice acting aspect, but the dub is still pretty damn good as far as I am concerned. I can understand people have their preferences when it comes to sub vs. dub, but if they are watching your full-length reactions, then it doesn't really matter does it? You can't even hear the copy you guys are watching except the beginning and middle obviously for syncing purposes. Plus I've found that the translation between the sub and dub doesn't really change much as far as story and content goes. It took a little while to acclimate to the dub voice acting after watching the sub twice, but these days I honestly find little to nothing wrong with it. Anyways I've really enjoyed your full-length reactions to AoT so far, and look forward to more (subbed to patreon just for this). I almost wish you'd release them more often (like 3 times/week) but I shall be patient, and look forward to having content to enjoy for weeks to come.

Tispy Wombat

Personally I have issues with the voice acting in the dubbed version on this show, the sub is much better in my opinion. I totally understand if that is what y’all feel is best though, but I personally feel like you would enjoy the sub better in the long run.

Jonathan James Singson Felisario

Yeah I do prefer subs over dubs on this one, dubs on this series at least were iffy, though there exists many animes with awesome dubs but Attack on Titan's one isn't one of them, but yeah go with what you think is best. But in saying that I would definitely prefer that you stick with subs, the issues with it aren't even major compared to losing the correct tone and how the author envisions the characters to actually sound like since he worked with the Japanese voice-over staff personally to convey that. All that would be lost from the dubbed version which in my opinion is inferior.


I’m 100% ok with this. The dub is actually good. Some people have issues with the dub and I can understand why but overall it’s not bad. There will be sub only fans who say the dub is terrible but they literally say about that about every dub in general so they’re not reliable


Well there you go complainers lol. Bet that's not what you wanted. I feel so sorry for A & C, they're trying to please all of you but you are your own worst enemy.


For the record, the English dub is just fine so if it's easier for you both just do it. People get crazy with their anime fandom lol. I'll take it however you want to give it, I'm just happy your watching the only anime I care about ❤️


Not every dub is terrible, but this one is pretty bad... it only holds up because the show itself is great, but for the purpose of a dub it really falls short. It's just bad subtitles read aloud by voice actors who don't all seem invested, or are overdoing it (there a few who do a wonderful job though).


Wow, the people who are complaining about this change are so ungrateful. First they complained about the subs on Hulu, then complained about the subs on Netflix, and now of course complaining about the switch to dub. I am so grateful that they're even reacting to Attack on Titan in general. It doesn't matter if they're watching it in dub or sub. The main reason I'm watching is their REACTION (as of all of you should be here for), which won't change regardless of sub or dub.


If you guys haven't noticed, a lot of anime fans are dub haters. They will criticize you because you watch the dub over the sub. Is best just to ignore these people. Trust me. Trying to argue or even reason with them is a complete waste of time.


I've seen this show both dubbed and subbed, and I think a lot of the "bad voice acting" that people complain about is mostly in the first half of the first season, and even then its not that bad. For reactions, I actually tend to like the dub better because it makes it easier for the reactors to pay more attention, and for the viewers to not have to split as much attention between the subs and the reactions. Haters gonna hate, but this move is totally fine. Plus if its what they want to do, the reactions you get are going to be far more natural/pure compared to feeling like they HAVE to watch it one way or another.


It also doesn't help that a lot of anime fans are a bit overly passionate about the whole sub vs dub thing, so no matter which one a reactor chooses, they tend to piss off the people on the fringes of those groups who NEED it to be one way or the other. I personally think there's value to be had in either version, and that applies to tons of anime.


Don't worry about it. There will always be those that moan about subs, those that moan about dubs and those that just moan. Just watch it whatever way you guys enjoy it best. I've watched animes in sub and dub and don't really have a preference, i like what I like. You guys do the same

Kutluhan İslim

I dont think thats a good idea.. Dubs really cant give the feeling of its original and seems really fake to me, prob for most of anime fans aswell. Dub versions are really killing the animes vibe i mean even you can try checking AllMights japanese voice in MHA, he sounds way more strong and raucousness fits the character. Same for Erens', Levis' and Erwins' voices(Their voice actors really unique).. You cant really dub that and make it even. Pls keep it in subbed even if subtitles are wrong..

Siti Dee

I say whatever you guys feel comfortable watching! Imo I think the eng dubbed version is fine! :)


If you feel more comfortable with the dub go for it. The only thing unique about the sub is that the creator of aot, isayama, has often supervised the voice acting or the producers of the show contacted him to know how he imagined certain scenes and they recorded accordingly. The other unique thing is that all the japanese voice actors are standing in one room interacting with eachother, while in the dub every VA records saperately. One thing that throws me out of the experience in dub are the screams but other than that, the dub is actually quite good (especially in season 2 and 3)

Ian Blackburn

That's like shooting yourself in the face because you stubbed your toe. The sub issues are minor compared to the trash tier dub. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these anime fans who says the dub is always bad. I like MHA's for example. But the voice actor for Eren in the AoT dub is so bad it ruins the protagonist of the show by changing the tone of his character and how you regard him. He goes from intense grieving guy out for revenge who you can root for, to whiny emo kid that you just want to shut up. And why the fuck did they change the titan sound effects to sound like squealing pigs. Please just stick with the sub. It's fine.

Corey Hughes

Hulu/Netflix, doesn't matter to me. Sad to hear you guys are switching to dub though, you seemed to be following along just fine. Maybe a poll? If you guys find it hard to read/watch at the same time, switch to dub... But if it's just because some dude complained about the minor differences in subtitles, that sucks. :/


I welcome this change, I enjoy both dub and sub so no difference for me. it actually helps cuz I keep yall on in the background a lot and It's nice to understand what are yall reacting to lol


That's even worse. Dub will be even more hated than wrong subs. :D


The one anime with a dub that I can never tolerate lol. Guess I'm out.


Some people here act like huge manbabies...


As you can see by these comments you won't please anyone whichever you choose. The sub vs dub animosity is intense. First and foremost watch what you find enjoyable the most. Second I think people reacting to anime I prefer dub as you aren't as distracted from reading the sub. So don't worry about doing what everyone else wants, you do you. :)


Haha honestly, this is the "Eren gets eaten by a Titan in episode 5!?!?!" twist we never saw coming. However it turns out... well played Dos Cavazos 😂🤣

Kutluhan İslim

Dude i never heard anyone complaining about the fact they are watching an anime in original version. Subtitles pleases everyone, ppl gave some advice about subtitles being wrong and that they can miss information by that.


That part... it's what makes the sub more true to the original writer's vision, and makes sure the characters are portrayed properly. I mean, if it wasn't necessary to produce the best possible version, they wouldn't go through that extra effort. A lot of dubs are great, but this one feels at times more like an interpretation rather than a translation, which is really disappointing.

Mihai Alexandru Untu

Really? I prefer the subtitles to be innacurate than to have to hear the fucking dub versions. lol


As someone who’s indifferent I’d probably set up a poll or something. You’ll never be able to please everyone, it’s admirable that you guys are trying to, it really shows how much you care about this channel and it’s growth. But unfortunately you’re learning just how toxic some of the anime community can be, people will complain about subs and dubs on every anime video, try to spoil, or just complain about minor things like how they didn’t like what subtitles y’all were using. I’d say do what y’all enjoy most and stick to it, if you try to accommodate everyone they’ll just beg you to do more things in the future.


A lot of people try to pass their opinions as facts. :l Also i was syncing your sub version with my dub version with no issues. People can still react to your dub version with their sub version.


I did the same. People will find anything to complain about


We all know how those polls will end up. Just let kacee and anthony choose what they like best.

Eddy Kubus

Now I gotta find a service that has the English dub to watch along. since Netflix only has the sub version.


prepare for some cringe voice acting going to dub. they won't ever get to hear the real roar if they go to dub :(


Hulu subs or whatever are still better than the dub


Why are people so angry. You can still watch whatever version you want yourself while syncing up


That's the main reason I prefer having to sync my own version. I have just been syncing the first few seconds by matching the video and only notice a difference for a few seconds when the video pops back up for a sec.


Do not do dub. It’ll ruin the show. The original VA’s work really well with the show and it’s how they’re imagined.


Most of us prefer you stick with the sub version even if it's netflix or whatever, there is only couple situations where the subs might not say it 100% accurate, but dub has the same problems of changing stuff too and MC will sound like mickey mouse. +1 To stay in sub version.


I agree, but some dub fans don't appreciate the better voice actors as they aren't speaking in English (oh no). So most dub defenders and who prefer that is they have issue of having to listen to a language that isn't theirs.


I feel they have had no problem watching in subs, it's most likely because there was some person constantly complaining subs being wrong,


Well done putting every single other person here as a mob, there was like 1 person who was commenting on the subs from hulu/netflix and now there is like every single patreon on this comment section saying which they prefer. I prefer sub as this anime deserve to be seen with original VA's rather than Mickey Mouse and trumping elephant scream sounds.


No THE DUB is the worse in this anime


Why are people still moaning. They littetly said it's easier for them to react and pay attention to what's going on. Let them do what's comfortable, you don't have people bitching at you when you're watching a show telling you that you are watching it wrong

Hugh Janis

the dub is just fine. one of the better ones actually. its not a big deal anyway.


I'm guessing the dub fans kept telling them the subs are wrong so they change to dub 🙄


nah it was sub fans who kept complaining about hulu and netflix subtitles.


They also said it will make their editing easier. They have more than enough shows to edit so this is good for them. These selfish sub only fans are something else..


To be fair, the dub purists aren't entirely wrong in that it's ok for some stretches, but I think the dubbed suffers a great deal when it comes to the emotional scenes which happen to be plentiful in AoT. The voice inflection just isn't there or it doesn't sound natural, degrading important scenes. For what it's worth, just my opinion it'd be selling this epic series short by going in that direction. Come to think of it, never actually seen anyone react to the dubbed version before, but seeing as how you're new to anime it's understandable. In any case, I think you guys are cool...joined your patreon for DS, Deathnote and AoT and was looking forward to the journey but if you switch to dub I'm out. It's all good though, you should do as you please. Hope ya'll enjoy it.


Most of these comments just reminded how sub only fans make anime so toxic. Lmao. They want to react to dub, it will make their editing easier and they already have more than enough shows to edit. Grow up and stop being selfish. The dub is great in Aot, if you disagree with that then that's your opinion. Don't try to make your opinion fact or force it upon other people. You complain about the subs in hulu, nexflix and now complaining about the switch to dub. There's honestly no winning against you guys. This is suppose to be a great experience (yes they can get the same experience watching it in dub or sub), but instead this is becoming a nightmare for them because of all the complaining. I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to drop the show because of all this crying. I'm grateful that they're reacting to this show in general.


Wow just because they're switching to dub in a timer video you're out? lol most of y'all are so childish. Blindwave reacts to everything in dub including Aot and their reactions are great.


Hey I remember you. wow that is a lot lol. It's ok if they state their opinions. My point is that it's not ok that they threaten to stop watching and leaving because they are not getting their way. My hopes are that they are happy with their choice and hopefully all of this complaining doesn't make them miserable in watching the series. They began with sub because that's what most people requested for before starting the series and with all the complaints on Patreon and mostly in Youtube comments they switched to neflix and surprise, the complaints continued here so they switched to dub. They admitted that the dub would be easier to react to and makes the editing process easier so you can tell they wanted dub from the beginning.


Pointing out people are acting like kids over this issue isn't attacking them. Some people are saying they are out over this matter, saying they don't watch other reactors for this reason. Some of their logic is they would stop watching great reactors and move to plank faced boring reactors if they were simply watching sub and not dub. They don't care about the reactions or opinions giving during the show discussions, it's simply the sub way or the highway for them


Exactly. The main reason we're here is to watch their reaction not the show. We all watched the show already. They already watched the show in sub so I don't understand why this is such a huge deal if they switch to dub.


I can't get Hulu here so just used Netflix. I didn't think about changes or care really. People love to complain, if by some miracle they found a way to please everyone the next step would be people shouting at them for not reading the manga


Yeah unfortunately you can't please everyone on the internet.


For this sub vs Dub thing ,I think it largely depends on the dub. You'll have many people agreeing that the sub on FMA DeathNote or Code geass are pretty good. Personally I cant stand the AoT dubs because when English speaking VAs scream it just sounds kinda weird and too forced to me and I absolutely hate the titan screams they made ( that's the biggest problem to me) . They always change the dialogues in the dubs and as long as they dont make the characters say completely different things then i'm not bothered. Anyways as long as it's a syncing and I'm not forced to hear the voices of the AoT dub I'm not complaining .


A little late, but oh well. For me, my only complain about the dub is Eren's voice actor. Don't get me wrong, he's a great v.a. but I feel like he was miss cast in this. Everyone else fits their role perfect. As for your criticism on the dialogue change, they have to do it. They are translating a language that is completely different from ours. The dialogue, writing, reading, and pronunciation is vastly different so they have to translate and match up as closely to the original, which means some parts will be different. which I don't get why people have a hard time understanding this.

Jesse Prevallet

Hey I know I am late to the party. I just signed up for your patreon after seeing you had switched to the dub on episode 10. I just wanted to support this decision with actual money lol. I am sure you lost of lot of people after making the switch, but I believe that by the time you finish season 3 part 1, you will have gotten so much more out of the story by having watched the dub. Excited to come along the ride with you guys.