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We've launched our Floatplane page: https://www.floatplane.com/channel/HardwareUnboxed

We'll be offering Floatplane in addition to Patreon so nothing will change on your end unless you want to move across.

In this video we're talking about the differences between Patreon and Floatplane, the money split situation, early access videos and a few other things.

If you have any questions about Floatplane, chuck them below and we'll get to them.


BTS: We're Now on Floatplane!



I think it's a positive that you're offering Floatplane as another alternative & for the same cost to the user. I'm torn which to support on, but this might be the push I needed to try Floatplane out.


I tried FloatPlane last year with a few other channels but the video would buffer and cancelled the sub, it looked like they didn't have a CDN that extended to AU, has that changed and how is the video performance now for AU folk?


I've watched a bunch of our videos and LTT videos and it hasn't buffered for me. But I also have decent internet