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Video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK_Ue4d9CpE 




Thanks a lot for this! Been on a big dilemma between the RX 5700 xt and the RTX 2060 super ONLY because of those driver issues I keep hearing about. Would you say it'd be worth the "risk" to go with the Radeon card? I really don't want to lose FreeSync and the performance makes it look like an easy choice. I just don't want to have all those issues that Reddit seems to have....


You can use freesync mode with nvida gpus these days, they are "gsync compatible" out of the box if nvidia has tested them, or you can turn it on manually with any freesync display in the nvidia control panel.. I think you have to use displayport though, don't think the support it over hdmi yet.

The Immortal Cameraman

TL,DW: The 2070 sUpEr DuPeR is not a great value proposition when compared to the comparable 5700 XT. Until it matches the price of the 5700 XT.