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Turns out it was the YT spam filter that caught our comment, Jay has provided evidence of this and I've apologised multiple times. I still stand by everything I said in the video that wasn't about Jay deleting the comment, but I was wrong about the accusation so I've deleted the video. We will discuss this further tomorrow on the livestream. 


(No title)


Terry Lee

I'm pretty sure you know why. You know exactly the type of guy Jay is. It boils down to manly pride. he's also a bit of a drama queen and I hate to say it but whatever he's doing works in terms of getting his channel attention. In terms of subscribers he definitely has the numbers… I guess it's some sort of sick part of human nature to be interested in drama and this guy definitely enjoys stirring it up. He's a bit lazy and will do the least amount of work possible but at the same time he's very entertaining so people enjoy watching the videos. I'm afraid you might possibly never understand the kind of person he is. Not your cup of tea at all, try not to get hung up on but feel free to call him out any time he spreads false information about a product. That's fair game


Jay says he didn't delete the comment, so it looks like I might have been wrong here. It could have been the YT spam filter. I've apologized to Jay.