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Today AMD announced on Twitter that they have identified an issue in their firmware that reduces boost frequency in some situations and that they will address it with an update soon. So I talk about that here and give a little more insight into our own video on the subject.


BTS AMD Boost Clock Talk



I think it is safe to say that most of the savvy people out there knew by the head that there was nothing wrong with the silicon, but was just a result of all the different versions of bios and AGESA, but just wanted some confirmation to it, since not everyone has a dozen mobos to test with. You did a great job in displaying this, and so did Der8auer. I would bet the AMD tech team is cursing this rushed launch to deliver on 7nm on 7/7 by the marketing team. Early-adopting always comes with problems, especially in revolutionary tech such as Zen2, and as an enthusiast, I feel even these problems are part of the new experience. Even with the issue, Zen2 is a great chip none the less, and now that we know there is a fix on the way, I can just relax and wait for the delivery. If they can fix it to a point that PBO2 can actually make the chip go +200mhz on the boost as they have said before, nobody would even care that there was this issue anymore.


Ive just been waiting for the 3950 and this mythical max boost and let the dust settle as well. I find it hard see how amd could "cap" unlocked cpu's on max boost without dicking around. I put this down myself to dicking around failing. My last and still only AMD CPU is a 1700 and it just worked OC since I bought it. How AMD could possible box chips from the same waffers to the 100Mhz slots is marketing fucking over engineering.