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This is the first of a six part series, where I'll be looking at how we make videos, the gear we use and some of the stuff we've learned along the way about video production.

In this first video I'm just discussing how the channel is going in general, the growth we've seen, some of the considerations we make to tackle the YouTube Algorithm, and some of our secret side projects.

You'll get a new BTS video every week in this series, so enjoy!


BTS: State of the Channel, Hardware Unboxed Updates



I think a good video for you guys to do would be to show off the best X470 boards as an alternative for those who don't want to pay the price premium that the X570 is command.


Recently canceled my Patreon support but I guess I was a day too late and am paid up through July, so I’ll just leave this here. Resorting to thumbnail buffoonery and chasing the YouTube algorithm dragon for fame and glory is a sad state of affairs and demonstrates a solid lack of integrity. I want tech reviews delivered by humble geeks, not egotistical brand whores who splash their face over everything. I’m sure it’ll work out, though. Once you abolish self-respect for marketing, there’s no limit to what you can achieve! Go full Linus!