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On our latest Metro Exodus optimization guide, a lot of people were talking about AMD's driver level tessellation features that let you limit the amount of tessellation.

Here I have retested the game with tessellation limited to both 4x and 16x. There is a performance improvement, especially for 1% lows. However the average performance level is only slightly improved. Tessellation quality is slightly reduced when you enable the option in AMD's driver.

Our recommendation here is still to disable Tessellation on AMD GPUs.

Further clarification:

- On with 4x or 16x tessellation is 2% faster on average than using the default tessellation mode with no driver tweaks.

- Switching tessellation off, compared to either the 4x or 16x modes, is still about 25% faster. AMD's tessellation modes improve 1% lows

- Switching tessellation off on an Nvidia GPU has a smaller performance impact, because the feature still runs better on Nvidia GPUs



AJ Ajami

So I get tessellation and more performance with AMD forced 4X as opposed to Nvidia off?? Nice!


No. I guess the graph is slightly misleading that way. Nvidia off is still much faster than AMD with 4x on, as indicated by the third and fourth bars from the top


What AMD GPU was used for testing?