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I was up late last night filming the mega Radeon VII benchmark video and since it's way over due I made a little BTS update video. It's not much but I'm extremely time poor at the moment :( Also shed update BTS video coming soon!


BTS: Nvidia GTX 1660 Sample, Radeon VII Mega Benchmark & Asus Relationship.

A late night rambling :D



Great to see relations with Asus seem to have finally improved. I hope they sample you a X570 Crosshair board to review.


All PR is good PR I've heard. :P Who knew it works both ways? Maybe Asus finally noticed HWUB because of the humongous noise Steve managed to make? They just went in Asus HQ: "You know all that flak we got over the 4/8 phase thing? Yeah, that was because of just this _one_ guy in Australia... All in favor of us stopping to piss him off with third tier PR material?... Aye...". :P