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I’m feeling like garbage today guys, have been for a few days now. Today I’m just sitting at the test bench all day doing memory capacity testing but after a few hours I needed a break so I chatted to the camera. I mostly talk about the AdoredTV Ryzen 3000 leak, what I think about Tim’s response and a few other details.

Since making the video I’ve had a few ideas for how this type of content can be handled better in the future, I’ve made note of that and we will discuss on the livestream next week. Anyway it’s a rough video so… keep that in mind while you watch ;)


A few of Steve's thoughts about the Zen2 leak.



As an owner of a 7700K I would really be interested in a 2018-review, maybe after the launch of ryzen 3000, to see when/if you can uprade/switch to ryzen without losing gaming preformance. Also the 7700k is still interesting, since it's the only four core-hyper threated cpu with the fastet clock-speeds out there. Since games still (usually) only requires four cores, the 7700K might be great value on the second hand market these days... Then again there is the whole deliding and temps-issue... I just thought it would make for a interesting video.


Wow you do look rough haha, take it easy, and worry less about keyboard warriors. I have to admit that I watch all your videos, but never even look at the comments. People will always find something to complain about these days. Keep up the good work!