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Hiii! It's been a minute since I've updated y'all on life and such, hehe.

For starters, I got a new job this month, hence being a bit scattered with content. I've been doing really well lately, but I've been super busy which has kinda sucked since I've been wanting to cosplay more as of late... But! Things are finally beginning to settle down, so cosplays will be back more normally soon! I have so many cosplays in my little cosplay bin in my closet, I need to get to them ASAP!!!!!

Speaking of cosplay plans, I do have cosplay events for next month (April)! I have a convention & festival to attend, so expect beautiful photos from both of those! I'm honestly super excited to attend these, as I always get such good photos from them hehe...

I hope you guys have been enjoying my content lately. I know it's slowed down a lot the past year or so, due to school & working more, but you guys have been understanding and supportive, so I really appreciate it. As I get older, I have less time for my hobbies, which really sucks and it's honestly stressed me out a lot this past year. It hurts when you don't have time for the thing that you love so much. I love cosplay & I always will, I'll always want to do it no matter what stage of life I'm in... Even though I've slowed down a lot, I want you guys to know I still am passionate about this hobby, I think about it every single day actually. I always am so eager to cosplay new things or figure out better ways to go about makeup or wig styling. Honestly, I feel like my skills have improved tremendously this past year despite doing it so much less- I've been so happy with the cosplays I show you guys lately. Like... SO happy with them. I hope you guys are, too.
I dunno... It just sort of sucks that I can't do it every day like I use to, but, I'm also happy going out into the real world and working and such- it's a double edged sword for sure. I'm sure you guys understand what I mean... Anyway, what I'm getting at is I want to cosplay more this upcoming month- like, I really do. With that being said, don't be mad if I start asking for more cosplay suggestions :,) You guys know how indecisive I am when it comes to picking things out, omg.

Thank you guys so much for supporting me and being there for me, it means the world to me every time. How has your year been so far, has it been good? What have you guys been up to? I love when you guys let me know how life's been treating you, I know everyone's busy with something lately. It is spring, after all... The beginning of the year is always so busy, isn't it? Hopefully it settles down for everyone now that summer is on it's way, you can only hope lol. I love you guys a lot and I hope to impress you even more next month, I have a lot more planned! Thank you guys for always supporting me, I seriously can't say it enough.

Happy Spring y'all <3!



Make sure to take care of yourself first. You’re very busy at the moment but don’t overload yourself Alice. We love you and your content and I’m sure you’ll get things back to normal once you get adjusted to your new schedule


Of course dude! If you need anything, you know my dumbass is here for you!


I haven't been around for long but you're a fun person to talk to, very creative with your cosplays and the way you take photos and also a hard worker. I rarely support content creators I usually think its a waste of money, but you're the first person I feel like its not a waste to support. Keep going! :)


It's good to know that you're well and just busy, it's a shame life gets like this haha but I'm really excited for the next month, and yeah, your cosplays have improved a lot this past year, I love them :) Remember that you're always first, so if you get really busy don't overload yourself, we understand the situation and we will be supporting you no matter what :D And personally I've been good, with the U being stressful as always haha but in general feeling happy


Thank you so so much, this message really means a lot to me :,) I’m so happy I make you feel that way!!!


Aahhh thank you so much… you guys are always so sweet and patient with me, I seriously don’t know what I’d do without y’all :,) 💗💗💗💗 I’m glad you’ve been good!! Hopefully we can relax this summer lol 😭🤍