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Hi guys, long time no monthly update lol- I've been so busy irl.

I wanted to write & give you guys some updates, as well as your typical thank you's for supporting me!

Firstly, I am going to be returning to school starting August 23rd. It's my last semester (unless I decide to go back), so please pray for me OTL.... With this said, content shouldn't be too slow, if not the same as it is now... SO, don't worry! I graduate in December, but during that time I'll still be attending anime conventions & such, so the cosplay grind is still on.

Speaking of anime conventions, in October I'll be attending AWA again! This time I do plan to take more pics! I have a few cosplays in mind, but don't worry, I'll probably ask you guys for some help sooner or later. Other cons I may go to are Holmat, and maybe one or two more... WE'LL SEE!! I love cons & I love the pics that come from them, so I'll try my best to go to as many as I can! <3

Another thing I want to talk about is... YOU. Haha, yes, you. Thank you guys so much for supporting me, I mean it. I seriously do not know what I'd do without you guys- I always appreciate your kind words & support, you have no idea how much your sweet messages mean to me! This summer has not really been the best if I'm being honest, my personal life has been a little up & down, also the intense heat has been HORRIBLE lmaooo. BUT, you guys have helped me kind of get through it in a way. Not only your messages, but cosplaying is a great creative outlet & way for me to forget about irl stuff for awhile. I'd still cosplay even if I didn't have people watching me, but idk... Seeing my shitty cosplays make you guys happy makes ME happy in return. So.. Thank you guys for that, I wanna always continue to make you guys smile! <3 

Now this is a little OT, I don't typically go into my personal life & vent to you guys, but since you've seen her in a few pics & I've talked about her often, I want to let you guys know that you will not be seeing my cat Mia in photos or videos anymore :,) Long story short she's not with us anymore, AHAHA. I'll spare you the details, but yeah. We still have our other cats, so you'll still see them! But our older kitty is gone </3. This happened earlier into the summer, but it was a little hard to talk about, so I didn't say anything to you guys. I know a lot of you guys love my pets too, I feature them in pics a lot (not as much recently tbh), but I figured you should know... :,) SAD NEWS I KNOW, but I figured I should let y'all know, I mean she's one of my twitch/Discord emotes TT AHAHA.

Lastly, I want to say thank you once again for supporting me. I seriously am so thankful & appreciate all of you guys, your support, your messages, your friendship, all of it is very special to me & I appreciate it more than you know. Thank you guys for sticking with me for so long, and to those who are new, thank you as well! I hope you guys liked the cosplays from this month- I mean, I REALLY did (like that Marin cosplay was so good right??). I hope you stay next month, too! But if not, thank you so much for your support regardless & I hope you guys have a great rest of your summer! <3333



DAY 1 TO FOREVER SQUAD 🚀💫🔥 not only have your patreon cosplays been a highlight for almost 3 years, but through the discord I’ve met the best of friends I’ve ever had. People I’ll remember for the rest of my life no matter our courses. That never would have happened if you didn’t start doing what you do now. Slow periods happen and it may seem like it’s you vs the world sometimes but you definitely have an entire community of friends at your back. Thank YOU Alice for these awesome years. Can’t wait for the many many many more :’)


Here now and forever, keep showing us cool cosplay, you have my support 😊


We love you and you have my support! Happy August!♥️🖤