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First off, I know she has like brown eyes but all my brown contacts look ugly so we went w purple 😜😜😜

I don’t hate this cosplay, but I don’t like the wig much… although, I think with a bit more styling it could look up to par! Overall, I’m alright with this one!♥️ I also got some good mirror selfies for once hehe. I struggle w womanly cosplays for some reason…

Tomorrow I’m getting my wisdom teeth taken out, so please be patient with me the next few days 😭😭😭 Ill still reply to dms obviously but I may be a bit slow. OTLLL

also, as usual, prints from last month were sent out pretty late… so expect those in the mail soon. I’m p sure someone keeps stealing my stamps Bc I always manage to run out mid packing and have to order more 💀 is2g I ordered like 10 books last time too LOLLL




You look great love the purple eyes tbh! I can see what you mean with the wig in a way. But Misato fits you really well! Hope the procedure goes well tomorrow! 💕


Thank you so much!! And yessss, hopefully I can style it better for next time hehe >:)♥️


You really nailed it with the purple eyes tho!

Wind Squid

Bruh you look so great as Misato


Love it! Good luck with the wisdom teeth. Hopefully its healed before you know it.


Yo she be wearing croqs, that's awesome


This cosplay looks 🔥🔥 on you😻


Best girl ❤