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Hi guys! Thank you once again for an amazing month! Here is another little end of the month update for y’all.

First off, print packages will be shipped out June 1st-15th. Please remember these are shipped with stamps and tend to take a few weeks (sometimes a bit longer) to arrive! If it takes over a month for your package to arrive, please let me know and I can resend it or we can work something out!♥️

FANSIGNS will be done a bit earlier, hopefully I can do them tomorrow or Friday! I’ll be out of town this weekend, so that’s why I’m going to get them out a bit earlier! If not tomorrow or Friday, they will be done at their normal dates (30th-31st).


I want to thank you guys again for an amazing month, I really really hope you guys were as happy as I was with the content produced this month! I’ve been pushing out cosplays a bit slower recently, mainly because I’ve been taking a lot more time with it and spacing it out better so I don’t get burnt out. I usually plan 9-10 cosplays a month, but may cut back slightly so I’m able to plan/take my time more. I haven’t been as proud of my cosplays as I’ve been this month, so I want to keep this little schedule for myself going!♥️♥️♥️♥️ I’ve been pretty happy with everything lately, so I really hope you guys have been as well!!


Small life update. (Semi-important)

Lastly, I wanted to update y’all on my previous plans I had talked about earlier this year. As some of you know, in about January or February, I announced that I’ll be putting a pause on my higher tiers at some point. I’ve been very lucky and been able to mix my schedule up more so I can have more time creating cute packages for y’all! It won’t be any time soon, but I think in about August or September I’ll be pausing my $20-30 tiers. I decided I’d be able to make time for $10 tiers, as Fansigns aren’t too hard & I know y’all like them! Anyway, this may change, but I’m going to need to make space in my personal life for things I’ve been planning outside of cosplay. I’ve been super blessed and lucky to have been able to call cosplay my “job” for the past year. So I want to thank you guys immensely for making that possible! ♥️

With that said, once I’m able to, I will definitely bring my higher tiers back at some point. I’d like to think it would be in 2022, when I’m settled in what I have planned for myself. But anything is possible, & I can always sell prints/Polaroid packages separately during that time! Anyway, I just wanted to update y’all on that since I’ve been pretty quiet about it lately. You don’t need to worry at all about it now, but take this more as a bit of a warning? I’ll be sure to update y’all more when I have more of an idea of what I have planned!!🌸



Thank you guys once AGAIN, I hope you guys can also make it for next month! As I have a lot more cute & fun cosplays planned! If not, thank you for stopping by & I hope you enjoyed your stay!!♥️♥️♥️♥️


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