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Hey! So here’s some updates for this month I thought would be important!

I’ve been going through a lot of stuff lately and my mental health has been terrible- with that said, I’m sorry in advance for being a bit slower with content & replies. I’ll try to cosplay more for you guys, though! I just thought it was important to let y’all know what’s going on with me haha.

As for prints, please let me know once y’all receive yours from last month! If you haven’t, please PM me and I’ll fix it for you!

I also wanted to say I do have a ton of cosplays on the way (about 3!) but again due to CV it’s taking so long 😭

Lastly, I’m thinking of creating my own discord server for you guys! As of now I do have mods (close friends) & we are working on it slowly. Would you guys be interested in that? I’d love to hear your feedback!😭 also, should the server be patreon only or should it be open to anyone?



im here if you need any help :)


For us only 🙊


Dont push urself too hard and get burned out fam


Take your time with this, we understand if you need time for yourself. Also, I think opening the patreon to just patrons would be a good incentive for more people to join

Everett Zane Pall

Mental health is a difficult thing to keep up with, if you need to take your time to get in a good mental state than take your time. As for the discord, that is a good incentive for patrons and a way to stay involved with your community. I think that you could have patron only channels and public channels. That way all your fans can get involved.👍


I'm sure the people supporting you here are awesome and patient, so take as much time as you need! I do think discord would help make the community more tight-knit, so it's a vote for me towards it! (P.S: I did receive prints! :) )


I Would love to have a discord. Also I struggle with generalized anxiety, depression, and narcolepsy. Take your time with this stuff, we will be okay if you don’t post as much.


Your health is most important. Take that as a priority. In terms of the discord, the best way to go about it is definitely public, with patron benefits. Don't want to keep your fans out of too much just because they're not paying.