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Hey guys, I'm here to shill Spellheart to you. Above are a bunch of characters of the type you'll find in Spellheart. They're AI generated, but still pretty hot. And there's an entire planet of them out there somewhere in the vast multiverse!

Anyway, if the images didn't convince you, I'll have to try with words. I know most of you guys on here are not Spellheart readers, but I'd like you to be!

Spellheart is a first-person gamelit cultivation series. If I were to give it tags, they'd be empire building, harem, cultivation, gamelit stats, adventure, elemental magic, and crafting.

It was my first big series, and my first big breakthrough in terms of publishing books. There are some rough edges since it was written when I had so much less experience in writing, but all in all I think it's a fun series and deserving of a bit more attention than it gets these days.

One of the big criticisms of the early books is that it feels like the MC is always underpowered, which is true. Theo was on the backfoot for the whole first three books. Generally, readers like someone a little more on the OP side. I wanted that too, but not until Theo had earned it. Looking back though, I made him work a bit too hard earning it. Still, know that it will happen as you go deeper into the series.

The beginning is also very slow and a bit chaotic. Again, new author issues. Were I to write the book again, I probably would have started it with Theo already isekai'd to the world of the elves, and I probably would not have spent any time on Earth at all. As it is, the story takes about 6 chapters to really get going. Based on my stats, those first six chapters are where I lose about half of my potential readers, so if you are going to give the series a try, please read at least the first six chapters before throwing in the towel.

Despite these flaws, the series is near and dear to me. It's basically the series that taught me to write, and I'm told you can really see my writing style evolve from book to book. It's also a pretty long series these days, with more than 1.5 million words of content published.

Theo is also a fun character. He's got a bit more personality than Carter, and while toward the later books he's far more like Darren, he never loses his good natured sense of humor. One of the things I'm particularly proud of is the dynamic he shares with his age-old friends Sam and Dean. Not many harem books have male friends who get so much page time.

Besides the friendship, there’s also a lot of the protagonist’s kids, who grow up and play major roles in the story.

It’s also a bit smuttier than most of my existing stuff. Back then I had a smaller audience and could get away with a bit more sex in my novels. These days I’m more reserved, but I think a lot of people miss the intensity of the explicit sexual content in Spellheart. If you like the sex scenes in either Amazon Apocalypse or Paladin of the Sigil, you’ll probably like the ones in Spellheart.

Anyway, I hope at least some of you decide to give the Spellheart series a try! It's all on Kindle Unlimited.

You can check it out here: https://amzn.to/48J8FxH 



Justin Webb

I joined you on Patreon because of the spellheart series. I liked your style from the start!


Definitely appreciate it! I haven't seen you around in a while and thought you left, but I remember you've been here since before I started Paladin of the Sigil. I really appreciate long-time readers.


Also it just occurred to me I’ve been a patron to you since 2020 wow lol