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I spent the next few days intensely focused on crafting. I enchanted Mana Bombs, Mega Mana Bombs, Mana Swords, and a few odds and ends that showed up amongst my blueprints as I leveled. Nothing came up that would be immediately useful to Myrina, but there were a few trinkets I invented that would make things a whole lot easier here on Earth.

"Check it out, Bridget! It's an ambient mana generator, connected to a modern power outlet!" I waved my newest creation before Bridget's eyes in the kitchen. "With this, you should be able to plug in any modern electric device and get it working."

Bridget's eyebrows rose. "This will be wonderful back in Crownhill! Few people have the elaborate backup power system you've got here between the solar panels, a generator, and a small hydroelectric unit. Every time I go into town, everybody's jealous that I can still use a modern oven—while they're stuck cooking over an open fire. It's made my job levels come far faster than most people's."

I chuckled. "Yeah... I guess it would be useful for that."

I'd been thinking more along the lines of the fact that it would let Bridget bring some of her kitchen appliances to Myrina's world. I'd gotten too used to eating good to give that up just because we occasionally had to take trips to a world that had yet to invented electricity. Helping everyone in Crownhill would certainly be a bonus—though I'd have to find some way to bring down the cost of making them to truly distribute them everywhere.

When I settled in for another long day of crafting, the levels flowed in like water. Myrina told me once that most people had job levels significantly higher than their class or racial level.

I was the odd man out, it seemed, with my class and racial levels so much higher than my job level. The other way around made more sense. Even in the system, most people spent their days working, rather than fighting—apparently that didn't change, even on a world like Myrina's with dungeons and the occasional monster.

Come to think of it, that was probably true of all the people in the shelter, too. They were focused on their jobs instead of on training with the militia. Not everyone was cut out for combat, after all, and I suspected most people were better suited to working a job than to combat.

So, I continued to work, and the levels continued to come in. As I did so, I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for people on Myrina's world. The enchanters there had to make most of the materials they used for their crafting themselves, painstakingly creating the raw materials they needed with nothing more than hand tools.

In contrast, I had a shop full of power tools. The tedious parts of the crafting process went by in the blink of an eye. Instead of spending all day working on a single item, I could be done and on to the next in a little more than five minutes.

Combine that with the experience point bonus the system granted me for being part of a newly integrated world, and the fact that I had a workshop full of goblins doing most of the tedious work for me, and I was probably crafting a year's worth of magical items every day.

And I was getting the levels to match.

You have gained 5 Artificer levels!

You are now a level 28 Artificer.

You have unlocked new blueprints.

These new blueprints were good ones, just like the last batch. There was even a variant of the talisman I was so interested in making. Instead of granting protection from Order and Chaos, though, it granted protection from Good and Evil. That felt like something which would be useful to have in the long run, though my need for it wasn't quite as pressing as my need for the Chaos talisman.

The other blueprint that jumped out at me was for a pair of sunglasses. They were magical sunglasses that provided moderate eye protection to anyone who wore them, as well as bestowing night vision when used in the dark.

I almost dismissed the item entirely, even though I already had all the materials to build it. That is, until one thing jumped out at me.

Stylish Sunglasses: Provides eye protection, night vision, and +10 to Charisma.

The bonus to charisma was, frankly, incredible for such a hard stat to level. I wasn't at my Charisma stat cap, but based on what Marol had told me to expect, I had no doubt I'd hit it any day now—even placing points into it as conservatively as I was.

With my unique titles, my charisma stat was particularly effective, so anything that gave it more of an edge was a welcome bonus. I had to make the sunglasses. Even if they made me look stupid, I’d wear them all the time… especially at night.

Sakura had scavenged a lot of jewelry the last time we’d been in Crownhill. I hadn't paid much mind to it before, but I remembered seeing a nice pair of men's sunglasses in there somewhere. I asked her about them.

"Finally willing to add some style to your wardrobe?" Sakura asked. "I looted them for you. Of course you're welcome to wear them!"

I took the sunglasses and immediately butchered them. The wires on the sides had to be made out of pure silver. It looked like I was going to have to get more of that, since it seemed Artificers needed a boatload of the stuff. No wonder Galbatorix and his wizard friends had wanted so much fine copper wire. It was a passable substitute for the silver wire I needed so much of.

Perhaps once I’d found a steady supply for myself, I could start selling some to him. If he'd been impressed by the purity of Earth's copper, he'd no doubt be even more impressed with fine silver wire.

After wrapping the frame in silver wire, I popped the lenses out of it. Engraving these would be the tough part—I couldn’t afford to screw up. I only had the one set of lenses that fit this frame, and I wasn't about to mess around with building these things from scratch.

That was another advantage Earth had over the rest of the Arcadia Multiverse. Piles of little odds and ends like this had poured out of factories before the integration. Making these sunglasses by hand would have taken me weeks—and that was before I could even start enchanting them.

I fell into the now-familiar workflow of Artificing, only taking the occasional glance at the blueprints in my system menus. In a way, it wasn't too dissimilar to following along with a YouTube video as someone in the video crafted something step by step. There was even some helpful advice at each stage for common problems and things that could go wrong. And the drawings of the item I was crafting was depicted from several different angles.

The bearded dwarf man demonstrating the creation of these stylish sunglasses seemed quite proud of his work, and he was pictured trying them on multiple times throughout the process. His were perfectly sized for his dwarven head but, thankfully, he went through the process of making them adjustable so they could be sold for profit.

The blueprints I was working with had the feeling of something created long ago by an Arcanist who had likely died ages ago. Hopefully the system had rewarded him for contributing his invention to what would one day become the level rewards for my Artificer class. Maybe someday my Mana Bombs would appear in one of these blueprints.

According to the dwarf who made the blueprint, these things sold quite well in the markets of most worlds. Enough so that he often mentioned how reluctant he was to share the blueprint.

If I found more sunglasses of high enough quality to do this with, I would have to try selling these things on Myrina's world. They seemed to like anything that could give a charisma bonus, and it would be helpful to have products to sell after the Shadefall rebellion was over and the demand for Mana Bombs subsided.

I finished up and put the stylish sunglasses on… and then frowned. I certainly didn't feel any more charismatic. I assumed they were working. I looked at myself in the mirror, not seeing any changes there either. Turning my head from side to side, I looked the same as always—just that I was wearing a silver-framed pair of sunglasses..

"Hey, Bridget… hey, Sakura!" I called out.

Neither of them were around. I’d forgotten that half an hour ago the two of them had mentioned they were going to patrol the area around the farmhouse and take out any weak monsters that might be gathering because of my Death Curse.

I thought about testing them out on Gobgob or some of the other goblins, but I didn't want to disturb them. They were all hard at work cranking out new items for me to enchant and I didn't want to throw them off. I shrugged and just left the sunglasses on.

They were surprisingly comfortable, and the magic in them allowed them to fade out of sight completely. Between that and the fact that they were practically glued to my face, it was easy to forget that they were on at all.

"At least I won't have to worry about them falling off in the middle of a fight..." I muttered.

I went back to work, figuring that by now Gobgob and the goblins had plenty more Mana Bombs and Mana Swords for me to enchant. I finished up the next batch of Mana Bombs I had stacked on the shelf beside me, and then took them all over to the teleportation array.

Last time they'd sent over multiple low-grade bags of holding, like the one I'd given to Gobgob. I filled all but the one I'd given to Gobgob with new goods, which is what I figured they were for. They’d be ready for the next time my partners on Myrina's world transported a load of goods over.

I was debating what to do next when Bridget and Sakura finally returned.

"Hey Carter, what do you want for dinn—" Bridget cut herself off midway through her sentence.

"Carter guess what we..." Sakura trailed off as soon as she walked inside.

"What?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

Both of them were staring at me with wide eyes. They each had dumb, blushing smiles on their faces. A little bit of drool leaked from the corner of Sakura's lips.

"Hello?" I waved my hand in front of the two unresponsive women. "Is anybody home?"

"Mine!" Sakura lunged forward and wrapped me in a tight embrace, tackling me straight to the floor.

"Oof! What's gotten into you, Sakura? Okay, okay… hold on, let's take this to the bedroom."

She tugged and tore at my shirt as I lay there on the ground.

I expected a little more sanity from Bridget but, much to my surprise, she seemed just as hungry for me. She grabbed one of my legs with Sakura on top of me and started dragging the two of us together towards the guest bedroom. It had been a mess before, but I'd cleared it out for Sakura to stay in... only for her to set herself up in my bedroom on a permanent basis.

I figured Bridget might use the room, but she'd moved into my room as well. Sadly, the guest room remained unused. Until now.

The three of us tore the place apart. Clothes went flying everywhere, followed soon after by the sheets. My two beautiful women practically threw themselves at me with wanton abandon. In the blink of an eye, I found myself lying naked, flat on my back, on the bed.

Sakura went right for my cock. Her earlier eager teasing had me sporting half an erection, but now she gripped my entire package after spitting onto her fingers and jerking my length until I was at full mast.

"Damn, girls, what's gotten into the two of you?" I chuckled as Bridget literally tore the last of her clothes off. I winced, that had been one of her favorite athletic bras.

"The two of you certainly seem motivated today."

Neither said a word; both just stared at me with hungry eyes.

Sakura jumped up, knees over my hips as she grabbed my shaft with one hand a guided it into herself. Without a chance to protest—not that I would, mind you—my tip slid inside of her incredibly wet folds. Her breasts bounced freely on her chest and I would have liked to enjoy the view for a while longer, if not for Bridget.

She seated herself next to me, the bare skin of her thigh pressing against my cheek. She bent low and her warm lips brushed mine in a long, deep kiss. When she came up for air, I caught a glimpse of Sakura riding me. She was gyrating her hips up and down with a speed and force that would have been impossible for someone with the stats of an ordinary human.

"I... I don't know what it is, Carter. It's just that the moment I saw you..." Sakura gushed, words coming out between heaving pants.

Her pussy felt like a vice around my shaft, squeezing down on me rhythmically—like her sex was desperate to draw my seed straight out of me. Between that and all her bouncing, I wouldn't have lasted a second before the system. Thankfully my Fabulous Phallus skill meant I wasn't prone to many of the weaknesses that plagued other men.

I held on a while longer.

Bridget broke off our kiss, straightened, and spun herself around to ride my face while facing Sakura.

"He looked like such an adorable dork wearing sunglasses inside the house," Bridget said before biting her lip. "It was strangely arousing..."

That was it! The sunglasses!

It seemed the Charisma bonus had gone into full effect with both Sakura and Bridget. In fact, I feared that—if anything—it had been a little too effective. The two of them seemed completely overcome with lust the moment they saw me.

Hopefully the sunglasses only affected the two of them so severely—likely because I already had several additional bonuses with each of them. It would be impossible to wear these sunglasses if the bonus was so great that this happened everywhere I went.

System help me if that happened in the middle of the street in Valkyrie’s Watch.

"Oh god..." Sakura moaned as she rode me. Her finger ran in little circles around her clit as she brought herself to an orgasm with record speed.

You have drained a level from Sakura Miyamoto!

Crap. With how quickly the two of them had pounced on me, I hadn't had a chance to disable the level drain from my system menus. I pulled my hands off Bridget's thighs to flip through my system menus, but with Bridget's ass on my face I couldn't read what I was looking at.

There was a way to get the System menus to appear in my head instead of in front of me. I remembered that Myrina had told me as much. I hadn't selected the option at the time, though, because I preferred interacting with my menus like they were a tablet floating in front of me. That came back to bite me now.

I tapped on Bridget's thigh for a moment, hoping to get her attention, but apparently I'd picked the wrong time to do so. Her knees clamped down tight around my head as she, too, brought herself to a back-arching, shuddering orgasm directly on my face.

You have drained a level from Bridget Larsen!

If Bridget hadn't been on my face, I would have let out a sigh. Here I was, trying to keep my two lovely women at a reasonably high level, only for the two of them to give those same levels up without a care in the world at their first opportunity.

I was much higher level than either of them, so for me to gain a level, they'd each have to lose several of them. They had to be getting the notifications. They just didn't care.

I resigned myself to power-leveling the two of them again later.

"Switch?" Bridget suggested.

"Okay, switch,” Sakura agreed.

The two of the moved to dismount. Letting the two of them do their thing would have been a perfectly fine choice—there was something exquisitely relaxing about having the two of them on top of me. But I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

A tiny bit of extra Charisma was all it took to have my two companions drag me off to the bedroom. Really? They needed to be stronger willed than that.

Once free, I sat up. “Hold on, I think it's my turn now."

I grabbed Bridget's arm as I slid off the bed. I pulled her backward and flipped her face-down on the bed. I gave the perky ass that had been riding my face up until a moment a go a smack and a squeeze. Firm and dripping wet—just the way I liked it.

I positioned myself at Bridget's entrance and hilted myself in one smooth motion. Bridget gasped, still sensitive from my earlier teasing. Her fingers clutched the sheets, knuckles turning white as I picked up speed.

"What about me?" Sakura asked from behind me.

She draped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. I pulled one hand free of Bridget's ass and cupped the back of Sakura's head, pulling her face close to mine and planting a kiss on her lips.

When we broke apart, I shook my head. "You lie down on the bed, too. Face the opposite direction to Bridget."

Sakura bounced onto the bed, her head at the edge of the bed as she lay on her back. I picked Bridget up with my cock still inside her and flopped her down on top of Sakura. Soon Bridget had a face full of Sakura's freshly fucked snatch, while Sakura had front row seats to me plunging my length deep into Bridget.

Sakura had already pushed me close to my limit when she’d ridden me hard; I blew my load deep in Bridget moments after giving her a second orgasm.

You have drained a level from Bridget Larsen!

"There we go." I gave Bridget's ass a squeeze as I started to go flaccid.

I turned my eyes to Sakura beneath Bridget. Her lips were parted she watched my cock slip out of Bridget's pussy. Some of my seed spilled out of Bridget and onto Sakura's face.

"Good girls… both of you." I sighed in contentment. "But it's quite clear my new shades are way too cool to wear around the house."

Pulling my sunglasses off, I set them on the nightstand next to the guest bedroom bed. I let out a yawn. "Alright, I need a nap after that. What do you say the two of you—" I cut my sentence short when I found Sakura's arms wrapped around my thighs prevented my full withdrawal.

"Where do you think you're going, Carter? We're just getting started!" Sakura said.

Her tongue darted out, giving Bridget’s cum-stained netherlips a long lick.



Shades of Funky Cold Medina


Or Love Potion #9. Thankfully not The Chaser in any of its three forms. I’m also reminded of the pheromone perfume Revenge from Lois & Clark This would also seem to be a warning to use these very sparingly but keep them in reserve for when (IF???) he hits his racial cap in Charisma. One other problem. If he wore these anywhere in Valkyrie’s Watch, he’d be likely to provoke a Hysteria event.