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Sam and Dean left for the capital to make their own preparations. Meanwhile, I returned to finish my breakthrough to Demigod as a Spirit Cultivator. While I could make my plan work with just my Body Cultivation and Sorcerer-level Spirit Cultivation, it would be much easier if I were a Demigod in both.

So I called the matriarchs of the Hearthwood back for one more session of Dual Cultivation.

I spent nearly an entire hour setting the scene. We’ll be holding our session in the Cultivation Chamber tonight. It wouldn’t be quite as comfortable, but we could run time dilation at maximum, which meant we wouldn’t be rushed. More importantly, it would contain the zeal I would likely emit when transforming into a Demigod Spirit Cultivator.

Tonight would be special, meaning candles, incense, and all the other little odds and ends. Mac offered to help with a cleaning drone when he noticed me tidying up, but I thought this worked best when given a personal touch.

Soon, I was done, and the Matriarchs of the Hearthwood entered one by one.

“Ladies! I’m setting off on a very important mission, so this will be the last night we have until it’s done,” I announced as I poured a glass of wine for everyone while they got undressed and tossed their clothes in the waiting chest.

Soon, they looked less like the fearsome Matriarchs of the Hearthwood and more like my beautiful and adorable companions.

“What’s going on?” Sava asked nervously.

“I’m going to deal with the Satyr King. Once and for all.” My eyes roamed my companions. “We can’t afford to remain as we are. He’ll just keep sending Demigods to attack us.”

“B-but Theo, he’s an Immortal Ascendant! I know you had a breakthrough, but you can’t take on an Immortal Ascendant,” Tivana protested.

I shook my head. “I won’t be fighting him directly. Don’t you worry.”

Yorik crossed her arms. “Explain.”

I chuckled. “It seems I can’t get away without telling you ladies everything.”

And so I explained my plan, just as I had to Sam and Dean. They liked it even less, but I was certain of the need and would brook no argument on this. This would be risky, but the danger of not going through with my plan and sitting passively for the next attack was even greater.

“I was wrong these past few months. I thought we could bargain with the Satyr King and make peace. But that was never a possibility.” I shook my head sadly. “This is happening. I’ve already promised it will be done. But that doesn’t mean you can’t help. For now, all of you need to push for those final breakthroughs. I won’t bring a Wizard into this kind of danger, but I might bring a few more Sorcerers.”

Eyes brightened all around me, especially Sava’s. She’d been a Sorcerer not too long ago, back before my doppelganger had drained away some of her power to create that jade clone of her. I wonder what happened to that thing...

Another memory flashed before my eyes. It was of me telling her where we would meet after the battle. I jotted the location down in my memories, updating my plan with one more trick. Yes, the Satyr King wasn’t going to know what hit him.

“So, ladies. I know I’m going to be making my breakthrough tonight. Reaching Demigod is no small feat, and I’ve heard people say it benefits those around them. Especially Dual Cultivation partners. So let’s put that to the test!”

I was only half-truthful there. While Dual Cultivating with a Demigod would certainly help push my matriarchs along, that sort of thing would take months or years to show a difference.

But I didn’t need to tell them that. They would work their hardest to fill themselves up with my energy, and once they were done, I’d take a more hands-on approach to their cultivation when the time came.

It had been an exhausting process before, but I could bear it easily now that I was two realms higher than them. Each and every one of my matriarchs would be a Sorcerer by the time the night was over.

“Alright, ladies! To a wonderful night!” We shared a toast, and then each of them lined up for inspection.

“The Matriarchs of the Hearthwood are ready to serve, Patriarch!” The chorused in unison.

It was music to my ears. It had taken a lot of work to get to this point, but nothing cemented just how far I’d grown like a row of some of the most powerful and beautiful women on the continent kneeling before me, naked and ready to do whatever I asked of them. My evil twin didn’t know what he’d been missing.

I shook my head at the thought. He’d built an entire village from the ground up out of elves he’d saved from certain death, and even after months of work, he hadn’t even figured out how to get them to look him in the eye.

If it were me back there...

My eyes roamed the blushing and panting faces of my matriarchs. Each of their gazes was locked on my eyes expectantly. Where my evil twin had known only fear or respect, my elves were fully devoted to me in mind-numbing lust. I know which one I preferred.

I gazed back at each one of them.

Sava curled a finger around the locks of her green hair and mischievous smile. I still hadn’t forgotten our first encounter. She was one of the girls I had to keep on a tight leash in the bedroom. Sometimes literally.

Assyrus was eager to please and probably the easiest to tame out of all my matriarchs. Though she spurned my leadership at first, once the Shadowblade Beast wiped out her clan, she and the rest of the survivors threw themselves entirely at my mercy. Her deep blue hair and larger frame than most elves were a testament to the Waterbeetle Tribe’s generations of dedication to martial pursuits. And now the talented Matriarch of the Waterbeetle Clan was my adorning lover.

Eltiana was the only one who could lead Assyrus astray, given a chance. She was a troublemaker, though more mischievous than seeking to turn the tables on me. She didn’t mind losing, at least to me. I kept her firmly bound in a web of ropes and magic most sessions. With purple hair and eyes and the nimbleness to slip out of just about any binding, she was flexible enough to get out of just about anything else. I was pretty sure she got into trouble with me strictly to get her favorite punishments.

Illiel blushed even now after we’d been through this many times already. She had always been the most bookish of my women, shy to the touch but eager once she got going. I often found her silver-haired head buried between pages when not working at a desk.

She was a Sorcerer already, thanks to her encounter with the Frozen Blood Witch, but she was only now making that powerfully her own. Though she was the shyest of my women, the things she said when I got her going made me suspect she knew more about my proclivities than any others. It often made me wonder just what kind of books she was so fond of reading.

Melise wore a bright smile with her blush as she gazed up at me, framed by short blonde hair and bright, cheery eyes. Like Illiel, she was already a Sorcerer thanks to her stay among Sam’s Fateweaver Society, but that didn’t mean she was without the need for more power. Her expression was one of utter trust and a willingness to let me do whatever I pleased with her.

Yorik, the sole orcess among the sea of elves, wore an expression of fearsome determination. She’d worn the same expression when going into battle, not that she was afraid. The eagerness which which she dove into the free had terrified many of our enemies, but it never failed to excite me.

Nela was perhaps the most regal of my companions. Bystanders might mistake her for the princess rather than Tivana kneeling beside her. Nela wore her long blonde hair, a distinctive trait of the Songstone Clan, loose about her shoulders. It was always perfectly straight, even when she was wearing her armor and wielding a sword. Even now, with her hands in her lap and a blush on her cheeks, she hadn’t forgotten her impressive sense of noble decorum.

Tivana sat on the end of the row of kneeling matriarchs. She wasn’t exactly a matriarch herself, but being the Princess of Deania, I would never not include her in a thing like this. Besides, by the time I was finished meeting her mother’s request of giving her one hundred children, she would be a matriarch in her own right. She wrung her fingers together, but I could already sense the energy circulating inside her and preparing for dual cultivation.

Out of all my women, she alone had reached the Sorcerer realm without help from me or The Wanderer, so her talent couldn’t be denied. In fact, looking closer at her, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she broke through to Demigod soon. Maybe even tonight.

When I’d sent out the call, the primary matriarchs of the Hearthwood weren’t the only ones to answer. Behind the row of matriarchs was another array of elves, and a few others.

Korra came, for one. Her slim feline tail wagged behind her as she stared me down. Amisra, Baroness Jynna, and even Sharian soon followed her, though the latter would just be watching. Yavilla and Tavilla stood beside the others, and several members of the Whitewood Clan were on standby. They and their clan members were eager to help, and I’d need the extra hands to put all my lovers through their paces today.

Yavilla and Tavilla, both eager to please, had undertaken the bold move of offering themselves and their families in service to me forever more in exchange for my protection. I had promised to do right by them and would continue to do so. Their oaths and dedication to me made them uniquely suited to tasks like this one.

“Yes... good. Very good,” I said as I examined each of them.

“Are... are you examining our cultivation bases, Patriarch?” Eltiana asked, a knowing flush to her cheeks.

“Uh... yes! That was exactly what I was doing!” I waved them to the array of toys behind me, each a wonder of magic and engineering. “In my wisdom, I have created the perfect Dual Cultivation regimen for each of you! Yavilla, Tavilla, you and the Whitewood Clan are to serve as an extra set of hands for me..”

And so the the play began. And by play, I meant extremely intense Dual Cultivation. So intense I needed a silk-tipped crop in my hands.

“Alright, my naughty little matriarchs! Best Dual Cultivate to your utmost!”

“Yes, Patriarch!” came the chorus of ungagged voices. The rest could manage little more than grunts. But that was alright. In fact, it was exactly where I wanted them.

“Yes indeed. Now, absorb your zeal and make your preparations. Go!”

In the center of the room, I had built an obstacle course. This was a favorite of mine.

Long smooth shafts of warm stone stood erect one after another, each distinctly phallic in shape. The largest of them almost matched the size of my own cock, though ever since I learned mastery over the body to where I could shift the size of my cock however I wished, that was irrelevant.

“We really have to race along those?” Baroness Jynna asked. Her dark hair was pulled back behind her neck, and her eyes were wide as she stared at the shafts, each larger than the other.

“Yep! Alright, ladies, we have a few newcomers to the game, so I’ll re-explain the rules! Cultivators need vitality in strange ways. Just ask Sava. I pumped her rear full of it so she could leap to Mage Acolyte! And that’s what we’re practicing tonight. Many of you are well versed in taking me in the cunt whenever and wherever I please. But the backdoor is trickier and takes training. To pass this text, you must engulf the full length of each phallus before moving on to the next! The first to reach the end gets the real thing! Go!”

I waved them on, and soon Assyrus, Eltiana, Sava, and Yorik were racing along the length of the course. Baroness Jynna and Amisra were left behind in the dust, though when they realized I was serious, they raced to catch up with the others. It was a thrilling and exhilarating sport. And remarkably clean, too, given everyone here was a powerful cultivator. Perfect control over the body combined with not really needing to eat made using the rear entrance so much easier than it would have been with regular people.

I was almost disappointed with how quickly it was over. Sava claimed victory long before anyone else. But that was to be suspected. She loved to harvest vitality, so I’d been leaving her full of my load in all sorts of places at her direction.

“Victory!” Sava declared though she struggled to pull herself off the final phallus. I tucked my hands beneath her arms, pulled her up over her reward, and then settled her onto the largest and final phallus of them all. She melted like putty in my hands.

“Congratulations, Sava! As your reward, you’re the first to taste the glorious shaft of a newly minted Demigod Body Cultivator. I’ve got a few new tricks of my own.” I held my hands wide, supporting Sava’s full body weight held tight against my chest with nothing but my shaft. It shouldn’t have been possible. And it wouldn’t have been for any normal man. But my control had reached new levels with my recent enhancements, and I was excited to discover everything I could do.

“Ooh! Hands-free!” Eltiana clapped as she finished. “I wanna try!”

I chuckled. “Don’t you worry, my dear. Each of you will get a turn before the night is through.”

Baroness Jynna stared, transfixed at Sava quivering as she lay impaled on my shaft, tongue out and eyes rolled back in her head as she leaned against my chest.

“When I heard all the rumors about the Hearthwood Clan having secret cultivation methods of incredible power... I don’t think this is what the people had in mind.”

I chuckled. “Hey, don’t knock it if it works! Isn’t that right, Sava?”

“Mhmm...” Sava moaned into my chest.

I brought out many other toys, each more remarkable than the last. Enchanted Silk Ropes, a Feather Wand from a Demigod-level bird. Cuffs of unbreakable adamantium. A paddle laced with just enough iron to sting. Remotely activated vibrating pearls. Dragon Tooth nipple clamps.

I could just imagine all the incredible monsters I’d slain rolling over in their graves when they realized they’d been slain and made into sex toys.

I was surprised and gratified to discover how much my companions trusted me. None of my planned activities seemed to have anything to do with cultivation. And yet they trusted me wholeheartedly that what I was doing would benefit them. Even Baroness Jynna and Amisra agreed.

Amisra, I had expected, would do so since she had a secretly submissive disposition. But Jynna was much more of a surprise. Either she’d come to trust me more than I thought, or she was enjoying being at my mercy more than I’d initially suspected.

I had been truthful, though. While I was enjoying myself perhaps a little too much, these activities helped my companions reach the Sorcerer realm or improve their current cultivations. It just wouldn’t be in the usual way.

All these activities did nothing for the zeal flowing through them. Each and every task was focused on putting them in the right headspace. One of the submissions to me.

I would only be able to do my part when they had surrendered everything to me. Then and only then could my zeal flow freely through their bodies with absolute authority. Only then would I have more power over every aspect of their being than even they did.

That would be my only opportunity to use my knowledge and expertise to cultivate on their behalf and push them to a new cultivation level, regardless of their talent, abilities, or preparations.

Because my ability to reach the Sorcerer realm was certain, all I needed from them was the trust to sit back and let me manipulate their energies in how I needed to.

I started with Sava. She’d been a Sorcerer not long ago of her own accord, and dopey-faced and drooling as she was, she was in the perfect mood for what I needed to do.

For her, all it took was a little nudge. A few thrusts of both my magic and my cock compelled her nature zeal to heed my call, and I reshaped it according to my will. More raw power here. A deeper swirl there. Stronger meridians there and a bit of a larger core here... before I knew it, I was done. Sava was a Sorcerer once more.

Next was Assyrus. She was always quick to obey, and while her cultivation had lagged a bit behind the strongest of my matriarchs, she had been loyal, dedicated, and, most importantly, eager to please.

Her zeal seemed to greet mine eagerly, and it leaped to obey when I gave it a command. I deepened her channels, widened her zeal reserves, and increased her power. Unlike Sava, Assyrus hadn’t reached the Sorcerer realm on her own. In many ways, she was a much blanker slate, leaving me room to experiment.

She seemed more likely to follow directly in my footsteps than Sava, so I shared something with her. A faint impression of the concept of Strength. Assyrus took in a sharp grasp as memories that weren’t her own flowed through her zeal. Her conscious mind couldn’t grasp them, but her zeal would remember the impression I’d left. Maybe she could make something of it.

By the time I was done, Assyrus had passed out. They lay sleeping, absorbing vitality from the small quantity of seed I’d spilled inside her and the zeal I was filling the room with using zeal crystals.

Nela came next. She was fierce and strong and deserved the power to lead. She’d be a great leader even without my support. With it, I planned to make her someone whose name would be spoken of with respect in every land that heard tell of her. I gave her my power like I had the others, and soon, she rose to the Sorcerer realm. In her, I left a shadow of the Identity concept.

Yorik came next. I feared she would be harder, but it was easier because I was already a Demigod of Body Cultivation. Like Assyrus, she got a glimpse of the Concept of Strength. And I was sure she’d held on to a few brief flashes of the feeling.

I figured Eltiana could make the best use of the Gravity Concept. She was so nimble she seemed to defy gravity already. What could she do if she had control of the concept? I doubted she or any of the others would understand these concepts as well as I did before Demigod, but giving her a head start wouldn’t hurt.

I went through the rest of my women who were not yet in the Sorcerer realm. Korra was easy since her Spirit cultivation had largely been spoon-fed to her by me since the beginning. Tavilla and Yavilla held me with such reverential regard that I likely could have forced them to the Sorcerer realm with just a hand on their foreheads. Not that I would not waste the chance to do it the fun way.

Baroness Jynna was the hardest. But I had more control over her than I thought I would. Elevating her was easier than I suspected.

Soon, I was done with this first phase. And the time I’d set aside in the time-dilated Cultivation Chamber wasn’t even half over. Sava and Assyrus were just waking up, and I wanted their full attention. I didn’t want them to miss this.

“Alright, everyone. I’ll be reaching the Demigod Realm as a Spit Cultivator shortly. I’m gold the burst of energy it releases is helpful to other Spirit Cultivators, so do your best to make the most of it,” I told everyone.

They let out a bunch of muffled moans. Most of them couldn’t talk since I had them piled all around me so tight that most held their breaths. At least eight separate mouths were attached to my cock, with two more seeking my mouth the moment I was finished speaking.

I was slick with the juices of more than a dozen dripping cunts, all held in place through overwhelming magical power and clinging to me like squirrels to a tree.

It might have been awkward and ungainly, but I couldn’t think of any better way to reach the Sorcerer realm. My mind cast back to my doppelganger, who reached the Demigod realm covered in monster blood and with just as many entities pressed in around him. Except for him, they’d all been trying to eat him.

Nope. My way was far superior.

I released my hold on my Earth zeal and allowed it to flow to my core. My World Titan Fiendbody had been holding it in place until now, but that time was ending. Memories of my doppelganger’s breakthrough to Demigod ran through my mind, complete with countless hours of studying the tips from the QCA.

Those tips came to mind now as I manipulated the energy flowing through me.

I felt my body vibrate with anticipation, every nerve tingling as the rushing tide of power flooded my system. It was as if I was caught in a tempest, winds of immense force swirling and roaring around me, pulsating with unrestrained power.

As the energy lashed and twirled within me, an acute awareness of my elevated status washed over me. This was the taste of divinity, the ambrosial nectar of godhood, the very essence of what it meant to stand above the mortal world. No wonder cultivators of this level so often considered themselves above the mundane affairs of building or governing kingdoms.

Just sitting here in this room, I felt like I could reshape the world with a thought. What reaching the Diamond Realm had done for my body, the Demigod Realm had done for my magic. My zeal felt as in touch with me as my own hands.

An involuntary laugh bubbled up from my chest, reverberating in the surrounding space. “So, this is why they call it the Demigod realm. It makes you feel like you’ve become a god,” I muttered to myself, a lopsided grin splitting my face.

Around me, my companions were immersed in their own cultivation, their individual energies humming in the air like a symphony of vitality. As I ascended to the Demigod realm, a ripple of powerful energy pulsed outward from me, washing over each one in turn.

It was glorious, powerful, and overall too soon.

But I wasn’t done yet.

“Alright, Sorcerers! It’s your turn,” I grinned. This would be a night to remember.



Theo becoming demigod twice made me think more about Satyrs and just how absurdly lazy they actually are. We all know that it becomes way easier to reach the same level with different cultivation type of you already have training in another one. So imagine a halfway smart Satyr getting for example Wizzard level grove, bam he is already stronger than 80 to 90 percent of normal cultivators and he did not have to spend centuries of struggle and fighting to reach it. And now he has a platform to reach the same level in every other cultivation type of his choice because your grove will overshadow any talent deficit that he might have. Probably second easiest would be to go to orcs and get at least gold level cultivation art if not diamond (first couple levels of cultivation were child's play). And if you don't like that you can go to Korra's world and buy an elemental and at least double your strength or even become sorcerer equivalent that way. Honestly if Theo started in their world he would be already ruling half the universe.


That is actually how I have ancient elves recorded as using Sacred Groves for in my worldbuilding notes. Basically a crutch to give to children as a stepping stone/handicap aid to reach greater things.


AHH makes sense, also it's still probably my second favourite type of magic after body cultivation (muscle wizzards are my favourite trope). I would just like to see more skilled practitioners all of the demigods there were kind of muscle heads with some nuke like wisps. I kind of think that they should have more nuanced powers even if the magic system started as training wheels. I like the Idea that they would be able to build hughe enchanted weapons in their groves and use them wherever they are as long as they stay connected or something similar.


Hopefully this was already pointed out, but Theo mentions he will be " reaching the Demigod level as a Spit cultivator". This should be "spirit cultivator " as it is later on. Additionally in the sentence that follows he says he was "gold the burst of energy" which should be "told the burst of energy".


I will add it to the list. The manuscript is out with beta readers right now, so I'm saving up everything that needs to be fixed to be done all at once rather than change things right away!