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Hey guys! I'm recruiting your help for thoughts and opinions once again. (I will include a poll in the next post for you to vote. Alternatively, you can just leave a comment explaining your answer.)

I'm trying to decide who should get the cover for book 9. I didn't introduce any new girls this book, which is something I normally recommend doing (most people's favorite part of harem books is the meet + falling in love, so most favorite books always involve meeting a new character.)

But I figure if you guys have stuck around until book 9, tying up loose ends is equally important, and we had a lot to do this book. Adding an new girl would have made the book a lot longer.

Anyhow, I flipped through the book and came up with a few potential options. The spotlight this book was really on Theo and his adventures rather than any particular lover, but a few had decent roles this book.

Amisra -- Captain of the Royal Guard of Deania. She had her time to shine when Theo fought the dragons.

Korra -- Catgirl wind cultivator captured from the Corpse Collector Company. Not really relevant this book, but often requested.

Sharian -- Former heir to the Sakaku Clan. Previously Nela's rival and now defeated. I like her aesthetically. She isn't really a harem member, more like Nela's pet. But she does show up in the books.
Yavilla/Tavilla -- Matriarchs of the Whitewood Clan and Theo's personal maids. These ladies look generally the same, so an image could be either. Both show up a lot in supporting roles throughout this book.

The Fairy of the Immortal Glade -- Former rival to the Satyr King for control of the World of Woods and Wilds. She was defeated earlier this book, setting off the plot of this story. She has been mentioned a lot in this book and is pretty central to the plot. While not a waifu right now, she could be at some point. My only worry is that she keeps coming out looking a bit on the younger side, so I might need to age her up a bit to put her on a cover.

Anyhow, place some votes! I can't promise I'll go with the top vote, but I do want to read what you guys think. Leave some comments if you have some thoughts or a suggestion that isn't on the list.

I generated some images to help you visualize what the characters might look like on a cover. These are AI, but they will be redone by the usual artist. Pardon the messy hands. I didn't set up control net poses for them ahead of time to get the hands right.
