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To all my American readers, Happy Independence day!

I will be refraining from fireworks, as this is the day most people lose fingers, and I need them to type.

But for everybody else, have at them! I've generated some holiday-themed outfits for some of the ladies from Spellheart.

(Also, happy belated Canada day for all Canadians! And happy holidays for all of you from other countries whose national holidays I missed.)




Man. I swear AIArt would be perfect if it could figure out how to get hands and feet right. I’m looking at you Assyrus with the 10 fingers on one hand


Tbh, if I have hours to work on something there's a lot you can do with control nets and detailers, or just inpainting and regenerating an area over and over again. You can get pretty good hands and feet with patience and extra manual work. I do that occasionally, but for these I needed something fairly quick and just didn't have time for it today, unfortunately.