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Hey everybody! Good news, Paladin of the Seraph is now available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited!

You've rallied behind Darren and his gang of badass, beautiful heroines all this while. Now, it's time for the final showdown with Kalaziel. The future of the Sacred Seas teeters on a knife's edge, waiting for Darren's next move.

If you can’t remember the plot, don’t worry about rereading. You’ll find a quick and easy summary of the previous books at the start of this one, just as before.

Grab your copy on Amazon here:
US LINK: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C5JL6RC6
UK LINK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C5JL6RC6
Germany LINK: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0C5JL6RC6
Canada LINK: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0C5JL6RC6
Australia LINK: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0C5JL6RC6

A thousand thank-yous wouldn't cover how grateful I am for your support. You, the readers, make my storytelling dreams possible every day. Your enthusiasm for my stories, and your anticipation for the next, fuels my inner writing fire! I cultivate your imagination to tap into otherworldly powers no mortal can comprehend.

Someday, when I get hit by the magical isekai-truck, I will tap into this vast well of unrealized potential to transport my soul to a world filled with wonderful loving women, fantasy, and adventure! And if you read and review my books, I promise to take you with me!

For my audiobook fans, I've shipped the manuscript off to the magical Jessica Threet. I'll spill the beans on the release date as soon as I have the scoop!

Keep an eye out for more page-turners heading your way soon. Until then, happy reading!

