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I sensed a blur of motion heading straight for Bridget. I wasn't sure why the Alpha Wolfman targeted her first. Perhaps it was because she was punching above her weight in this fight. Maybe the Wolfman who had her dagger buried in his belly held some special significance to the alpha. Whatever the reason, this was my fight. I wasn't going to let my opponent target my companions so long as I was around.

Mania has increased to level 1: Dissonance.

The world grows distant, and your connection to reality fades.

All Scholar of Forbidden Knowledge Skills are enhanced by 20%.

Before the Alpha Wolfman could land his snapping teeth on Bridget's throat, I pushed her aside. The Alpha Wolfman's jaws clamped down on nothing but a mouthful of magic.

"Eldritch Blast," I spat, pointing towards the Alpha Wolfman's spit-slickened mouth.

The beast in the shape of a man snarled and sputtered as my dark energy gnawed at his lips and gums. It left his teeth looking far too large for his mouth, and his face frozen in a sickly grin.

"Human..." the Alpha Wolfman growled, eyes locked on me.

"I'm your opponent," I replied.

The two of us clashed. On one side was a beast turned into a man, wielding teeth and claws. On the other, a man wielding magic and otherworldly powers.

The Alpha Wolfman was faster and stronger than me. But I had speed and range, and I planned to make the most of both.

I could maintain my distance from the Alpha Wolfman, steadily chipping away at him from afar. Every attack I landed left another Mark of Corruption, and though I couldn't overcome his immense regeneration yet, eventually enough marks would accumulate to halt his healing.

While the earliest phase of our battle started similarly to how our last one had ended, our surroundings were very different.

Around us, the battlefield was a whirlwind of chaos and ferocity. My companions, each engaged in their own battles, moved with fierce determination. However, among that determination was now a hint of desperation.

The easy victories we'd been experiencing moments ago were gone. The Alpha Wolfman hadn't charged out to meet us alone. Accompanying him were dozens of other Wolfmen, each one a higher level than those we'd previously fought. Many wore leather straps adorned with crude daggers, marking these foes as somewhat more human-like than the rest.

But that only served to infuriate my people. We'd all heard Bridget's tale by now, and we all knew how these wolves had become so intelligent. They'd done so by devouring the bodies and souls of our fallen. The only way to let our dead truly rest was to permanently eliminate these Wolfmen.

Sakura, her face a mask of grim determination, swung her club with brutal efficiency. Each strike landed with a sickening crunch, and she darted around the battlefield in great leaps.

Even the Alpha Wolfman's elite were no match for her, though these were strong enough that she couldn't slay them with one swing like she could their weaker kin. They eyed her warily, and as I watched, a few of the smarter Wolfmen grouped up into twos and threes. Such a group was strong enough that Sakura couldn't just land beside them and start swinging, which put an end to her killing spree.

Bridget, after recovering from her close call with the Alpha, fought with renewed ferocity. Her knives danced in her hands, and she rushed forward with speed that would have won her an Olympic record before the integration. A Wolfman charged to meet her, but she jumped clear over his head. Her entire charge had been nothing but a feint. A moment later, Marcus and Margaret opened fire on the exposed Wolfman who'd left the safety of his allies to meet Bridget's charge.

We were close enough to the caves now that our line was starting to meet Sheriff Drayton's. I could see the man himself, shotgun in hand as he glared at the Wolfmen and fired another shot.

Michael's group fought with less skill, but equal tenacity. Theirs had been the faction I'd been most worried about, but whatever Michael had done had whipped what was left of those men into shape. They were holding their own, and until now they'd been the only part of our forces to take any losses. Now that the Alpha Wolfman's elite were here though, things were rapidly changing.

As I exchanged brief probing strikes with the Alpha Wolfman, I watched a pair of the Wolfmen elite rip into one of Sheriff Drayton's officers. His Kevlar vest held up for but a moment as a pair of paws tore it to shreds like a dog tearing through a carpet. Before he could shove the Elite Wolfman off him, the Wolfman was tossing his entrails in all directions. The man fired a few shots at his killer, and his comrades were rushing to his rescue, but it was already too late for him.

"Humans are prey... you dare attack us?" The Alpha Wolfman snarled at me.

I laughed. "That you still think in terms of predators and prey proves you are still just a beast, no matter how many people you've eaten."

I must have struck a nerve there, because the Alpha Wolfman rushed me then. He moved as quickly as lightning, and had I not seen him coming, even I wouldn't have had time to react. But I'd been watching his body movements with a careful eye, and the moment he moved, I used Warp Step to evade.

I was content to play my part in this dance. I could sidestep the Alpha Wolfman's every move, leaving him chasing after me like a dog after a squirrel it could never catch. Though the Alpha Wolfman healed from all the damage I was inflicting with Eldritch Blast and Mana Bolt, my Corrupting Marks were slowly adding up, and bit by bit they would turn the battle decisively in my favor.

I had hoped things would continue like this for a while longer, but the Alpha Wolfman grew frustrated long before that. He turned his eyes to the others, eyeing one of Sheriff Drayton's men. He turned away from me with a huff and moved to leap atop the man he'd targeted.

I couldn't allow that to happen. Sheriff Drayton's opinion of me was strained enough as it was. If another of his men died to the foe I was supposed to be keeping busy, I'd never hear the end of it. But I didn't have the physical stats to contend with the Alpha Wolfman directly. Not yet.

Mania has increased to level 2: Furor.

You delve deeper into the depths of chaos to unleash the secrets of the multiverse upon your enemies. But such powers come at a price. As your power grows, so too does the strain on your mind.

All Scholar of Forbidden Knowledge abilities are enhanced by 40%

I increased my Mania once again, then used Warp Step to intercept. I shoved the man about to be cut to pieces aside, then quickly switched to Eldritch Augmentation so I could withstand the blow.

The Alpha Wolfman batted me aside, my abilities just barely enough to contend with whatever stats he had. He lunged for me again, and I realized there was no use holding back. Before, I'd needed to push Mania to level three to fight him fist to fist, and it looked like I'd need to do that again here.

Mania has increased to level 3: Blood Frenzy.

Chaos fills your soul, and your grip on sanity becomes dangerously tenuous.

All Scholar of Forbidden Knowledge abilities are enhanced by 80%

The Alpha Wolfman unleashed a wordless growl as he tried to sweep me aside again and chase after the man I'd just saved, but I held up my arm and caught his claw-tipped hand with my own, bringing it to a stop.

"Human..." the Alpha Wolfman snarled, though this time there was a touch of fear in his eyes instead of the predatory instinct I'd seen before.

I smiled at the Alpha Wolfman. "Blood Sacrifice."

Instantly, half my health pool evaporated. Blood poured from my mouth, my lips, my ears, and even the corners of my eyes.

But before the Alpha Wolfman could take advantage of my sudden weakness, my spell struck him.

All the damage done to myself by Blood Sacrifice returned to him in a wave of pure magic. The damage came from nowhere, unblockable by nature.

He staggered backward, and I did the same. Normally, I wouldn't dare use this spell against someone with better regeneration than I had. But Blood Frenzy added a hint of reckless bloodlust to my actions. And the eighty percent effectiveness bonus was nothing to scoff at either. It turned Blood Sacrifice from a one-sided deal against me to a potent weapon, so long as I had the will to use it.

"Grrr..." the Alpha Wolfman growled as blood dripped from his face just as it did from mine.

Both of us were wounded and bleeding. The Alpha Wolfman's regeneration was impressive, but with all my Corrupting Marks dealt to him, I was getting close to the point where I could put him down for good.

I tried to envelop him with my Mana, hoping that perhaps the combination of Disassemble and detonating all my marks at once would put him down. But despite my best efforts, the Alpha Wolfman's own mana was still strong enough to fend off my influence through sheer force of will. I just needed to deal a little more damage.

"You should never have attacked us!" I shouted at the Alpha Wolfman.

"You should have accepted your lot," the Alpha Wolfman snarled back in reply. "Your bodies and souls exist to nourish ours. My pack! I call on your might!"

Mana flowed all around us, and something I hadn't expected happened. It turned out the Alpha Wolfman hadn't shown me all his abilities last time after all.

The Alpha Wolfman let out a ferocious howl, and one by one the rest of the Wolfmen joined him. Their howls combined as one, growing louder and stronger than all the others.

I jumped back, wary of whatever was happening. Crimson light swirled around the Alpha Wolfman, the first true sign of mana use from him. I wasn’t sure what the light signified, but I didn’t want it touching me.

The howls of the Wolfmen grew louder, the energy of their combined rage surging into their leader. The Alpha Wolfman's body quivered, then expanded as the pack magic coursed through him, increasing his strength and speed exponentially. His eyes burned with an unholy light, a testament to his newly acquired power.

He lunged toward me, his movements now a blur of savage speed. I struggled to keep up with his attacks, barely managing to parry or dodge the relentless barrage of claws and teeth. The Alpha Wolfman's newfound strength was terrifying, and I could feel my own energy waning as I fought to hold my ground.

“Grrraaaa!” the Alpha Wolfman growled, his teeth snapping where my head had been a moment before. Even with Blood Frenzy active, he moved faster than I could react if I didn’t keep my distance.

Fear crept up my spine. Had I underestimated my foe? What could I do to turn the odds in my favor once more?

I had a seed of an idea already, but I wasn’t ready to commit. I thought I would try to keep my distance again and strike at the Alpha Wolfman from afar while I weighed my options.

He whipped his claws through the air, creating dark crimson streaks of energy. At first, I still assumed he was going for me and had missed, but then I saw his target hadn’t been me at all.

He had disregarded me entirely and had aimed at Bridget once again. He really was intent on killing her.

The wave of energy that the Alpha Wolfman unleashed was unlike anything I had seen before. The magic crackled and hummed with malice, casting an eerie, reddish glow as it flew with deceptive speed.

Bridget had her back turned as she fought another Wolfman, and she was entirely unaware of the danger she was in. If I didn’t act soon, she’d be dead without ever realizing what had happened.

As I thought of this urgent need, the answer came to me. I'd sensed it lurking in the shadows of my mind all the while. There was power there, from that same place my Mania had come from. The System called it otherworldly power, but the name didn't matter to me. I just needed more of it.

I called on Study again, summoning my strength from the unknown depths of my soul. I called, and the Mania answered.

Mania has Increased to Level 4: Unholy Revelation.

You have shattered the veil between reality and the outer realms. Your shadow has become an otherworldly portal through which thought can manifest in the physical world.

All Scholar of Forbidden Knowledge skills are enhanced by 120%.

Otherworldly entities have begun to take notice of your existence.

The change was immediate, and it was an order of magnitude greater than anything I'd felt before. The boost in power filled my bones, and I felt unstoppable. And yet at the same time, my spine tingled in growing fear. It was as if a thousand eyes had sprouted from every shadow around me. And every one of those eyes was watching me.

I shifted using Warp Step. The ability flowed more easily than ever before. With a thought, I stood between Bridget and the incoming crimson blast. I activated Eldritch Augmentation, and power flowed through my body like nothing I'd ever felt before.

I waved my hand, and the muscles beneath my flesh writhed like tightly coiled bands of steel. I batted aside the incoming claws of crimson energy with the back of my hand and cast them into the ground.

"Carter!" Bridget yelped in surprise. She seemed about to rush to me, but then she suddenly recoiled in fear.

Beneath me in the fading sunlight, my shadow slithered out from under my feet. Its jaw opened wide until it bore teeth even larger and more monstrous than those on the Alpha Wolfman.

My shadow bit the Alpha Wolfman's, and he cried out in fear and pain as the shadows coiled around him.

A dark cackle erupted from my lips, though I was certain I hadn't been the one who started laughing. I moved my arms, but nothing happened. Something was very wrong.

You have been possessed by the Chaos Wolf, a Banished Deity of the Outer Planes.

Error. No outside assistance is permitted during the initial stages of the integration.

Only then did I become aware that I wasn't looking through my eyes, but from some distant spot above my own head. I was not within my body, but a voyeur watching it move.

My hands flexed of their own accord, and I felt like a puppet on strings. Something else had peered through the hole in my soul created by my Scholar of Forbidden Knowledge class and was using it to puppet my body.

"What is this?" the Wolfman demanded.

I turned to him, though I wasn't really me anymore. Whatever was controlling my body laid eyes on the Alpha Wolfman, and the Alpha Wolfman shrunk back like a rabbit who'd caught the eyes of a tiger.

"A pup... one of mine, perhaps?" I heard my voice chuckle. "The curse that flows through you is familiar..."

The Alpha Wolfman froze in his tracks, eyes wide with something akin to wonder. "A-are you... the Stone-Shaper? The Alpha of Alphas? The one we sacrifice our prey to?"

My voice let out a low barking laugh. "Likely so. Your race was made by a discarded toy of mine, lost long ago. No wonder I sensed it so clearly. And this... a newly integrated world? What an opportunity..."

The Alpha Wolfman stared at me, clawed hands clenching and unclenching. Eventually, he came to a decision. "My pack lives to serve." The Alpha Wolfman bent over in a clumsy bow.

"And serve you will..." I replied, my voice filled with sinister undertones.

Faster than the blink of an eye, my fingers pierced his skin as shadows in the shape of a blade wrapped around them, and my hand plunged into the Alpha Wolfman's chest.

The Alpha Wolfman's eyes widened with true fear, and he reached for the stone dagger at his belt only for my free hand to reach out and grab it by the blade. The dagger blackened at my touch, flint turning to obsidian with a single brush. Something dark and otherworldly took shape within that dagger.

Shadows poured from my open mouth, and I circled around myself to get a better look. My face, pallid and pale, was now lined with streaks of blackness. There was a presence there behind my eyes, but it wasn't me. With a cruel twist, my hand tore the Alpha Wolfman's heart from his body. I tossed the heart aside, where the hungry maw of what had formerly been my shadow snatched it the moment the hunk of still-beating flesh touched the ground.

Error. No outside assistance is permitted during the initial stages of the integration.

Error. A-Grade power detected. Unauthorized presence detected. Direct intervention required.

Error. No outside interference permitted during initial phases of integration.

Error. A-Grade power detected. Direct intervention required.

The last two messages cycled again and again, filling my vision. That thing that had come through my Scholar of Forbidden Knowledge ability...

It was too powerful for anyone to face. It used my arm and picked up the Alpha Wolfman like a toy, my hand still wrapped around his heart. The black shadows pouring from my open mouth flew into the Alpha Wolfman through the tear in his chest, seeping straight into the hole where his heart had been.

"Okay, that's enough!" I shouted, though no one could hear me. My mouth didn't move. "I'd like my body back, please! Hello? Chaos Wolf, was that your name? I'd like to talk."

The shadows reared their head at the mention of the name. I felt like an ant beneath a magnifying glass. My soul squirmed at the gaze of this evil god, and existential horror crawled up my spine.

The voice that answered felt like snakes slithering through my veins. I didn't hear the words so much as they were projected directly into my mind. "Human vessel... be silent. You are no longer needed."

I'd summoned this otherworldly horror, and it wasn't interested in talking to me. It was in my body, and it had taken control. My class had warned me again and again what the price for taking too much Mania into myself would be, but the power it offered had been far too tempting.

The grip of its will was implacable as iron. I struggled against the shadows, trying to force my way back into my body. If I could just take control... but no. This thing was far too powerful. The System had called it an A-Grade entity. Was this what one of the peak powers of the Arcadia Multiverse was like?

The System wanted to do something, but it couldn't. It had the power to remake Earth in its own image. Surely it had the power to crush this so-called evil god. It just needed a hand to push it out of this loop and in the right direction.

So I yelled with all the might of my soul, calling for the aid of the only person I knew who might be able to help.

"Lyra!" I yelled. And I could only pray that she was listening.


So, here's the downside of the Mania levels revealed at last. It isn't just infinitely upward scaling buffs without consequences.


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