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Darren cut down the one he’d been speaking to, slicing the man’s head off with one swing of Melancholy. But whatever a Clockwork Construct was made of didn’t need a head. Last time he’d killed one by dropping an entire mountain-sized pile of earth on top of it.

He knew he had to kill as many of these things as he could before the process was complete. Having them rampage blindly around the city would wipe out who knew how much of his and Horon’s armies, not to mention the innocent civilians who lived here.

With narrowed eyes and more desperate speed and fury than he had before, he hacked the remains of the Clockwork into a dozen more pieces. And then he hacked those pieces into yet more pieces.

Once the physical structure was destroyed enough, he focused on the Divine Aura winding through it. Even now, this thing was trying to restore itself to a cohesive whole. But for the moment, it was vulnerable.

He grabbed at the thin tendrils of Divine Aura running through it like fine string and tore them out, scattering them in all directions. Only then did the sputtering semblance of life within the thing before him die and fade away.

Turning to the others, he repeated the feat with haste. A second fell, and then a third moments later. Faster, he fought, but the transformation took hold of all the remaining Fifth Order members of the Order of the Rod, save one who still held the egg in his hand and hesitated as he saw the transformation of his fellows. His face was pale and his fingers trembled as he glanced between Darren and the egg in his hand.

Darren cut through four, ignoring the one who had not transformed. Despite his efforts, seven Clockwork Constructs remained. The destruction of such powerful mindless beasts could wreak was too great to allow. He would have to resort to the full scope of his skills if he wanted to deal with them quickly.

“Brothers! Sisters! What’s happening to you?” the remaining Fifth Order asked in horror as he regarded his comrades.

The transformation was completed on the first of Clockwork Construct. Now unrecognisable, it bellowed an incoherent roar. It charged at Darren, and he activated Fetters of Fate and used Manifest Will to bind it in place.

He wrestled with it as he tried to contain it long enough to deal a crippling blow with his sword, but the construct was immensely strong.

“It’s no use,” Darren said to the remaining Order of the Rod member. “They are not in there anymore. They have destroyed their own souls.”

“S-surely Lord Kalaziel would not have told us to use these eggs if they were so dangerous!” the lone survivor protested.

Darren scoffed. “Kalaziel already had you sacrifice your bodies. You think he cares for your souls? Drop the egg.”

The man’s trembling fingers let go of the shiny metallic sphere, and it clattered to the ground. He turned tail then and there to flee the city with all haste. Perhaps some of Kalaziel’s faithful could be saved after all.

The Clockwork Constructs forced him to turn back to them a few moments later. The exposed gears ground against his sword every time he tried to thrust it into them. Now that he was fighting more than one such beast, he had to watch for those. It was like they were trying to grab his swords and tear them from his hands. Someone unfamiliar with fighting these things would have already been disarmed.

A second construct lunged at Darren, eyes glowing with an unnatural golden light. He dodged a clumsy swing but, in doing so, lost focus on Manifest Will and Fetters of Fate, which was all that was holding the first Clockwork Construct at bay.

Fighting two of these things simultaneously was tough, but fighting the remaining seven would be far rougher. He needed to lure them out of the city, where they could cause little harm. They were brutish, mindless things, so perhaps he could bait them where he chose.

He didn’t even have to truly destroy them, as their unnatural strength would not last long. Soon the Fifth Order soul within the Clockwork Construct would burn itself out. Whether it would simply fall back down to the Fifth Order or destroy itself entirely, he wasn’t certain of, but Absolute Analysis assured him the thing would be out of the fight if he could only buy an hour.

A stroke of luck appeared when two Clockwork Constructs crashed into each other after passing through a space he’d been in moments before. Their gears caught and ground against one another, providing him just enough space to slip Melancholy between the heavy armor that otherwise covered their bodies.

One quick slice cut through the monster’s vulnerable inner workings. The damage would heal rapidly, but Darren thrust his will and might into the monster’s body. Manifest Will turned into tiny grains of sand filling the monster’s delicate clockwork. The gears ground against one another, and as they did, he reached in with his will and tore free the delicate strings of Divine Aura within the monster.

It slumped to the ground, out of the fight, at least for the moment. That left only six left.

He slipped to the left, dodging another hail of arrows flying in their direction. The Order of the Rod stationed in the towers overhead were still peppering him with arrows, unaware that the monsters he was fighting now were just as dangerous to them as they were to him.

But soon they had other issues to worry about. Shimmering seraph wings descended from the sky in tight formation. They were supposed to wait a little longer, but it seemed that Horon wasn’t the type to stand by while his comrades fought on.

Gaviel and the others turned to deal with the Order of the Rod archers, but Horon went straight for Darren.

He launched himself at one with Celestial Malstrom and Divine Momentum both active. He wasn’t pulling any of his punches as he attacked.

Darren wanted to give his surprise arrival every chance he could, so he glanced at Horon and pointed at one vulnerable construct in particular. Horon gave him the slightest nod and switched targets.

Darren bound that construct up with Manifest Will and Fetters of Fate. A set of intelligent enemies would have rushed to the aid of their ally, but these Clockwork Constructs were little better than mindless beasts as they rushed Darren down exactly as planned. He lured them away from the one he’d trapped, and Horon struck like a hawk sweeping a mouse from an open field.

He turned his downward dive into sudden forward momentum, then poured all that incredible speed and force into one mighty swing that took the head right off the Clockwork Construct.

Darren touched down just behind it, hoping it would fall lifelessly to the ground, only for the head to reform from the pieces inside the construct’s body.

Darren was about to shout an explanation, but a glint of recognition shone in Horon’s eyes. He must have seen monsters like this one before. He cut through the Divine Construct, bisecting it several more times. Then he released an unfocused blast of Divine Aura within what remained of its chest cavity to put the thing down for good.

“These things are unstable!” Horon shouted. “If we lure and trap them outside the city, they will die alone!”

That was exactly what Darren had already been planning, and he pointed in the direction he was trying to lure them.

With the two of them working together, one could lure the Clockwork Constructs back while the other corralled in any that got other ideas. Soon, all five remaining chased Darren while Horon bashed those that turned away back into line. Back in the city, Darren could see Sasha and her troops emerging from the underground tunnels and decisively turning the battle through the streets in their favor.

Trapping the constructs was a greater challenge. Fortunately, Horon knew of a deep canyon nearby.

“If we lead them off the cliff, they won’t survive long enough to climb back up!” Horon shouted. “It’s very steep, and we used it to deal with creatures very similar to these!”

Darren followed Horon to the cliff. It was far larger and deeper than he expected, with sides so sheer they buckled inward. It was like a natural oubliette carved into the earth. Had this pit existed in the mortal world, he would have thought it led straight to the Seven Hells.

He expected another lengthy battle, but the Clockwork Constructs were dumb beasts for all their power. Horon flew over the cliff face, and the five constructs chased him at full speed. But Horon had wings, and they did not, so when their feet met empty air, they plummeted into the pit and hit the ground below with a crunch. Three hurled themselves off the edge that way. Only two had skill enough to stop. But that was where Darren came in, rushing them from behind and giving both a good shove.

Soon, all five were at the bottom of the cliff and would either remain there until their power left them or the battle in the city was won.

“Nicely done,” Horon panted. “The Lord of Light made that canyon back when we cleared out the Fifth Layer. Believe it or not, I’ve seen things like those constructs before. They used to be native to this area. I never thought I’d see them again, though. Now that the Divine Aura the humans emanate is properly harnessed, things like them shouldn’t be able to form.”

“Kalaziel made an item for them. It transforms his subordinates into those things,” Darren explained.

Horon’s eyebrows rose. “Dark deeds indeed.”

They returned to the city as hastily as possible, for they didn’t want the battle to end without them. Sure enough, several new Sixth Order presences had made themselves known the moment Horon and Darren were out of sight.

All around them, the battle had ended. Their people stood shoulder to shoulder, ready to crush the last of Kalaziel’s loyalists in the city. Battered and wounded, the last of the Order of the Rod glared back at Morgana, in particular, with hatred in their eyes.

The only thing standing between the two groups was two Prime Saints. One was a slightly built woman with red hair and sad eyes. Another was a man with a burning sword. The two of them held their hands to both sides, urging all fighters to lay down their arms.

“There has been enough bloodshed here in the Fifth Layer,” the woman commanded. “Lay down your arms and make peace with one another.”

Sasha scowled. “Would you make the same offer if Kalaziel’s men had us on the ropes?”

A flush filled the woman’s cheeks. Sasha had struck a nerve.

“That’s beside the point,” the male Prime Saint said. “We just don’t want you to cause undo destruction to the city. And I’ll enforce that with this sword, if I must.”

Next to Darren, Horon’s face twisted into a furious scowl. He flapped his wings and soon stood before his two fellow Prime Saints.

“Found your spines at last. Variel, Iliana, you’ve finally found something worth standing up for. Finding yet another way to kiss Kalaziel’s ass. Could he not bother to come here and save the last of his men?” Horon spat at the two Prime Saints.

The woman’s face paled. “You don’t understand, Horon. You never would. The Heavens need a Lord of Light. Perhaps Kalaziel is not the perfect fit, but he’s our only choice. None of us could even begin to bond the Heavenly Throne. He’s halfway there.”

The man with the burning sword pointed his blade at Horon. “You were always too much the fool, Horon. We are seraph, and order and stability are our highest virtues.”

“Even if it comes at the cost of freedom and truth?” Horon growled.

The man with the burning sword glared back at Horon. “Even so. Heed my final words of advice. Take your people and flee the Sacred Seas. Kalaziel will not follow if you leave.”

But Horon was already shaking his head. “I will not forsake my home to the hands of a power-mad tyrant.”

Darren moved to stand by Horon’s side. He didn’t know these people, but if they were siding with Kalaziel, there was only one way this could end.

“You’ve betrayed what you should stand for.” Darren drew Melancholy. “Kalaziel should not be the Lord of Light. And he will not be if we have anything to say about it.”

Prime Saint Iliana looked away momentarily, seemingly uncomfortable with her newfound allegiance. “You’re just too naïve, Horon. We’re merely adapting to the way things have to be. Kalaziel’s power is already greater than you can imagine.”

Variel scoffed. “You think you can stand against him still? Fools. If of that, we would have joined you on the mountaintop in arresting him. But we didn’t because we knew it was already too late.”

Darren and Horon exchanged one final glance. Eventually, Darren spoke.

“You’ve lost your way, but we have not.”

Horon nodded in agreement, eyes blazing with determination. “Throw down your weapons, Variel, Iliana. Surrender along with the remains of Kalaziel’s forces, and I promise no harm will come to you.”

Variel shook his head. “If you want my sword, you’ll have to take it from me.”

Stiffing, Iliana forced herself to stand straighter by his side. Her hands were filled with an ethereal white light.

With Divine Aura surging through him, Darren engaged Variel and Iliana with Horon. All four took to the air, fighting above the city streets. On the ground, their forces once again clashed with those of the Order of the Rod.

Darren took on Variel and his flaming sword while Horon engaged Iliana.

“I sense a fire burning within you, human,” the Prime Saint said. “What gives you the power to stand among the Prime Saints?”

Darren realized he was asking for his aspect, but Darren answered differently. “I protect what I care about and fight those that would harm them.”

Variel snorted. “Guardianship is a weak aspect. No, I sense something far hotter and fiercer burning within your spirit. Something furious and brutal but brittle and easily broken. Careful. With an aspect like that, it could shatter anytime, leaving you with nothing.”

Darren replied with a swing of his sword. Variel blocked it and followed it up with a sweeping beam of energy. His wings flashed with golden light, and his eyes glowed with Divine Aura as he empowered his body and sword. Fire fanned out in the air in all directions, and Darren felt those hot flames nipping at his heels.

“Let’s see if your fire is greater than mine!” Variel shouted as he held his sword aloft. A pillar of fire manifested from its tip, which he turned and pointed at Darren.

Darren raised Melancholy in a similar pose, and Divine Aura similarly flowed from its length. The two columns of energy shot forth and met in a frantic explosion that shook the air in all directions.

As Darren and Variel fought, Horon and Iliana argued. Iliana dodged back and forth, throwing balls of bright white light behind her while Horon chased her from behind. Bit by bit, he was catching up to her as his Divine Momentum ability increased his speed. But she was staying just a step ahead of him for the moment.

“Why are you doing this, Iliana?” Horon demanded. “Kalaziel will be the death of us all!”

“You know as well as I do what threats lust for the power of the Sacred Seas! Without a Seventh Order to protect us, countless foreign gods would cast covetous eyes upon our heavens and seek to claim them for themselves! Just think, Horon, and you will see it too. So overcome your blind hatred of Kalaziel.”

“Blind hatred?” Horon snarled. “Oh, I hate him, but this fury isn’t blind. Look at what he’s done to the mortals of Whiteguard. To our fellow seraph. Mere minutes ago, he destroyed the souls of his own followers to create Clockwork Constructs. Those things could have destroyed half the city if we hadn’t been there to stop them.” He reached out, snatching Iliana by the ankle. He held his sword in his other hand, ready to strike, but he froze momentarily while deciding whether to truly lash out at her.

Iliana used that moment to throw a ball of Divine Energy into his face. Horon gasped and clutched at his burned cheek, letting go of Iliana’s ankle. She immediately put some distance between him and her, and the chase started all over again.

Variel, meanwhile, seemed to think that he had more Divine Aura than Darren. That was a notion swiftly proving untrue as Darren met Variel’s wave of fire with his own power and showed no signs of stopping.

Eventually, Variel realized he had miscalculated. He abruptly cut off his beam of fire and launched himself forward in a sudden surprise attack.

“You’re good with Divine Aura, but let’s see if that sword is for more than just show!” Variel shouted as he burst through the last of his beam of fire. Smoke trailed before him while his eyes blazed with crimson light.

Darren and Variel clashed again while Horon raced to catch up with Iliana. Bit by bit, Darren and Horon each proved superior to their opponent.

Variel discovered Darren was just as good with a sword as he was with Divine Aura when Darren twisted Variel’s blade around in his grip and forced him to double over backward. Then, with both their swords out of the way, Darren delivered a powerful haymaker to Variel’s jaw.

The Prime Saint went flying and smashed through a nearby building, appearing on the other side only for Darren to be floating there waiting for him. Darren bashed him again, sending him back through the hole he’d made in the nearby building. Horon was a bit more gentle as he grabbed Iliana by the arm and leg and pinned her to the ground.

“Fetch some ropes! And you, Iliana, stop struggling. I’ve won.” Horon struggled to keep the Prime Saint beneath him pinned, but when Variel smashed face-first into the cobblestone street, bleeding from every inch of his body and gasping for breath, she stopped struggling.

“Make way! Make way! You need a knot expert to tie up Prime Saints! You might even say you need a knotty expert...” Asuriel giggled to herself as she made her way through the crowd with a bundle of rope.

Iliana squirmed and writhed on the ground as Asuriel stripped her down, taking away her hidden weapons, the armored robes she was wearing, and the bag of holding she had tucked up her sleeve.

“Do you really have to take everything?” Iliana grumbled as Asuriel searched her.

“You’d be surprised where prisoners can hide stuff! I’m just being careful.” Asuriel tied Iliana’s arms behind her back, binding everything from her shoulders to her twitching fingers. The rest of her body followed soon after.

“This is the most humiliating thing I’ve ever experienced...” Iliana grumbled.

“That’s what makes it hot... er... safe!” Asuriel corrected. “Darren! Check out my knots!”

“Well done,” Darren said, throwing the Prime Saint over his back. He was wondering what he was going to do with her when he realized he hadn’t tested if his Realmvault could take in living things. His Inventory couldn’t, but perhaps that had changed.

He activated his magical storage item, and Prime Saint Iliana disappeared like she had never been there at all.

“Tie him up as well,” Darren gestured to Variel.

Asuriel’s expression froze, and she blushed. “Uh, Darren. This is embarrassing. But... I don’t know how to do men. You’re going to do it.”

She handed Darren the rope she was holding, and Darren shrugged. Variel was so battered and bruised that it probably wouldn’t matter. With little healing, he wouldn’t be doing anything other than groaning.

Darren threw a canvas sack over his head and knelt to work on his wrists. His knots were much less artful than Asuriel’s, but they didn’t need to be to get the job done.

He noticed everyone else standing around watching him, so he looked up from his work.

“Now,” Darren gestured to the rest of the city. “You all know what to do.”

The fight had gone smoothly, and while harder fought than most, this battle had been won. With the Fifth Layer taken, all Darren would need to walk around with the Dungeon Queen and lay claim to the place, robbing Kalaziel of most of his remaining power.

Yes, he was nearly ready to take the fight to Kalaziel himself. Soon his mother’s soul could rest easy. He’d even have the time to track down what ophanim she ended up inside. He could find her and draw her out of it. While he was at it, he could bust open all those eggs Kalaziel created and free the imprisoned seraphim within. Laura would know how to do both tasks safely. And even if she didn’t, he was certain the Omniscient Codex would tell him how in exchange for a simple trade.

And afterward?

He’d be able to spend day after day hanging out with his friends and lovers. Perhaps he could live the life he could have had if he hadn’t been caught up in Kalaziel’s plans when he was young. He’d do his best to learn to be a good king and guide the Sacred Seas to rebuild everything lost.

He remembered the words left to him by his ancestors in Whiteguard. The insistence that he leaves the kingdom is better than he found it. He would do the same, but now for the entirety of the Sacred Seas.

And that was speaking nothing of his women. Cassandra was pregnant with a child -- his child! What would it be like to be a father? To bring a new life into the world and raise them into the best version of themselves.

If they had a son, he would raise them to be a paladin, brave, strong, and capable of overcoming any challenges. If they had a daughter, he would probably still want a brave and strong paladin.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as the future seemed brighter than ever. It was so close he could almost taste it.

But then something changed. The sweet air of victory turned sour, and Darren looked to the sky. Thunderous clouds rolled over the heavens and painted the sky. He’d seen those clouds before.

They’d been summoned by Kalaziel.

The city below darkened, and the world was shrouded in a fury that shook the heavens.

Suddenly, the sky cracked open, and a blindingly bright light descended from the heavens. A familiar figure materialized where the light touched the ground, proud and imperious all the while.

Kalaziel pointed his mace in Darren’s direction.

“Mortal! How dare you step into the heavens after I cast you out once already!”


So I went back and edited in the names of two of the neutral seraph, Variel and Iliana. The third neutral Prime Saint will go unmentioned. I thought we were going to see him at some point, but he kinda just packed his bags and took off when he saw which way the winds were blowing. He's probably left the Sacred Seas entirely by this point in the story.


Justin Webb

I think not killing the prime saints was a good move, Darren and Horron will need their help maintaing order and protecting the sacred seas in future books