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Hey guys, I have a few polls planned so I can get a good idea of what abilities are most interesting for the upcoming chapters. These are some of the ability options I’m considering for Darren. I have more for Morgana, Sasha, Cassandra, and Asuriel since all of them have quite a few open skill slots. If there is interest, I could put out polls for their new abilities as well.

I have quite a bit of flexibility with this skill selection session for once since the plot doesn’t require any specific abilities for Darren hand his companions, and yet he does have quite a few open ability slots to fill out.

Anyway, pick which of these sounds most interesting. It doesn’t have to be the most powerful, just what you would like to see in action. You can pick as many as you like. I make no promises that the top results will be selected, but it will at least give me a good idea of what you guys want to see more of. Names and exact details are not final.

Here are the ideas I came up with during my last brainstorming session. I’m concealing the ranks and most of the details since I don’t want to bias you guys while voting.

Darren only has 8 of 14 open skill slots filled, so feel free to vote on several.

You guys can suggest your own too and I’ll consider them. Like any comment that has a cool-sounding ability you’d like to see. Just please don’t give me anything copyrighted, especially by Games Workshop. They like to sue people.



I really like the idea of 'Inspiration'. It feels like it fits with Darren's jorney so far. After all, he inspired all his companions and friends to be something more than they were when he found them: - Cassandra went from a broke daughter of a merchant family to probably THE richest one in the continent; - Callum went from guard nobody cared about or paid attention to a damn good warrior; - Sasha went from a member of a dying order to the leader of one of the most powerful ones. And so on.

Iron Akela

Yeah that’s something I think would fit very well for Darren

Iron Akela

While there’s a lot of abilities in the list I think while be worthwhile - a restoration ability like Gaimon had for example - there’s a couple of smaller bits of his existing arsenal that don’t get mentioned: demon blood on his body is supposed to heal him, and his allies are supposed to heal at a rapid rate just by talking to him. A think an AOE passive healing affect would be handy. Maybe it doesn’t work much on Darren, but allowing his passing to kill first and second order demons, remove curses and/or debuffs, heal wounds, and alleviate fatigue and exhaustion would be awesome! A definite capstone ability for Darren the general/king as opposed to Darren the warrior


Ok, lemme break this down. Temporal Shift – Great ability. Darren is already incredibly fast, but once he starts fighting 6th order enemies that can keep up then it'll make a big difference in being able to hit first and again and again until he wins. Useful regardless of demon, seraph or other too, so he should take it. Soul Weaving – Very interesting and sounds like it would be useful both in and out of battle in all kinds of ways. He can use it to interfere with enemies aura to disrupt their ability to use skills or any aura use. Great synergy with Aura Ascendancy too. Combined with that, it might be the next step in taking apart how skills and sigils work completely and adjusting it to favour the humans on the ground more. Take it. Mental Barrier – Very useful, but he's got a lot of anti-skill abilities and abilties that keep him from getting caught by surprise. I'm sure he can also try to evolve an item that does something similar too. So maybe not? Elemental Avatar – Sounds cool but a bit gimmicky and can't see it having a major imact on his existing combat style. Not really interested, though with her fire summon Morgana might be? Though she prefers stealth. But if Air counts as an element then....... Ethereal Form – Sounds great, but every enemy at his current league attacks with aura don't they? He's also physical attack focused using magic as support and for sweeping away fodder. Best given to a magic specialist like Cassandra I think. Matter Manipulation – Sounds like an awesome ability, though not sure if it suits Darren. It could add to all of his magic abilities and he could probably do the most with it with his huge Aura reserves. Seems like more useful out of battle for crafting though. Take it if he's got a slot spare, but he could also live without? Hero’s Resolve – It's almost always better to avoid damage in the first place, but I have to admit this is one of the abilities that could help him win a fight against someone on the same level where both sides are inflicting damage throughout the fight. It could tip the scales to victory and combined with Pheonix’s Blessing he could risk taking more damage than he needs to to maximise it. In order to improve it though, he'd likely have to rely on his lower Order clones to grind it. Worth considering. Dimensional Rift – Non-essential in the short term, but cool. Good emergency escape ability. Counters any dimensional defences he normally wouldn't be able to bypass. If he's likely to go up against an enemy with an ability like that, then take it. Otherwise specialised enough that someone else could take it an use it if needed. Reality Manipulation – Sounds amazing, if a little vague. Still like Temporal Shift it'll help in every fight and provide passive enhancements across the board that can tip the scales. Take it if he's got a slot. Save for later if he can't take it now. Pheonix’s Blessing – Take it. Even with the clones, he's got a limited amount of bodies at his current level and having to evolve one of his 4th Order bodies back up to 5th sounds like a pain. Plus there's no telling if he'll go against someone with an absolute death skill that kills all bodies connected to him. Can't see a reason not to have it. Oathbound – Useful for King Darren, but still seems like something someone else could use on his behalf. He just has to have his companion with it make the promise with him, then make the same promise with the person he's actually making the deal with. Not worth one of his own slots. Favored of Fate – Another broadly useful ability that seems like it'll be even more effective across the board than Temporal Shift or Reality Manipulation. Risks going into boring territory if it automatically makes everything go Darren way though. You should always be careful with luck powers in this sort of stories, unless you plan to write it as a comedy. Only really works with humour in my experience. Useful but not sure if you should include it. Inspiration – Great for King Darren. Though since he fights a lot of battles solo it'll be less useful there. Even so, since Kalaziel is likely to show up with friends in the final battle and given the low number of anyone above 4th Order in Darren's forces, he'll personally want it to keep his people from taking heavy losses against enemy seraph. Take if he can. Giver of Blessings – Useful, but probably more useful for a support specialist like Cassandra. She can buff him and then go on to buff other people while he's fighting, while if he takes it he won't be able to personally buff each member of his forces and fight the big enemies at the same time. Give to a friend. Lover’s Gift – With definitely see constant use. I'd gave doubts, but it didn't say the enhancement were temporary. If they accrue a little every time he's gets intimate with his girls, then they'll see huge benefits eventually. Take now if he's got a slot or save for later. So I guess Soul Weaving, Hero's Resolve, Pheonix’s Blessing, Insiration and Lover's Gift for sure. The sixth can be one of Temporal Shift, Reality Manipulation or Favored of Fate. What seems most useful now and save the other two and Matter Manipulation for the next time. Give the rest to his friends.


I think it's important to remember that we have to consider not just what the ability IS, but what it COULD BE as he evolves it. Could Temporal Shift turn into a kind of time travel? Could Soul Weaving develop into a skill allowing him to control or alter people's souls? Could his current resurrection skill evolve into something that has Phoenix Blessing as one of its components?

Iron Akela

Something else that I think would work for Darren - a phase shift type ability like Morgana’s. He can’t go just knocking down every wall he sees enemies behind on the surface! Plus there’s other uses for that kind of ability. I know ethereal form is in the list, but I’m not sure it would fulfil the same battlefield and utility role


I was really hoping to have one, but with the holidays my productivity has been in the toilet and I’m running out of backlog chapters. Sorry. The most I can promise is extra polls to pick abilities for some of the other characters!


I would also like to see Darren upgrade some of his allies abilities not just new ones and I was also surprised he has not already pushed Thalia to evolve