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The Story So Far...

Darren Heavengrace was robbed of his childhood when paladins from the Order of the Rod killed his father and drove him and his mother fleeing onto the Seven Hells. There, he and his mother survived in the darkness and gloom.

Years passed, and just when Darren and his mother thought their times in the dark were finally over, they were betrayed and she was murdered. Lost and alone, Darren grew up with only the quests his sigil gave him for guidance. Through it, he grew from boy to man, all the while learning to slaughter demons like no mortal ever had before.

A lifetime of hardship sculpted him into a paladin like no other. His strength and the might of his sword were beyond compare, but he still had much to learn if he was to rejoin his fellow humans on the surface.

He might have been lost in the strange human realm of the Sacred Seas if not for his newfound companions. On the road, he met Cassandra Silvercross, the daughter of a noble from the Blackwind Empire and a would-be traveling merchant.

Soon after, he met Morgana Redshore, a woman of morally dubious origins fleeing a hideout of bandits she may or may not have been a part of at one point. After rescuing the both of them from certain death at the hands of a cult of demon worshipers, they joined Darren on his way to Limedeep.

But there in Limedeep, Darren found one of his mother's killers. Archpaladin Gaimon, and the Order of the Rod. One of their vassal orders, the Order of the Rose, was led by a paladin by the name of Sasha, and Darren was able to win over her support and defeat Gaimon and the Order of the Rod.

From there, his adventures took him north to the Northern Trade Union, and eventually to the heavens themselves where he met the loney seraph Asuriel, who was cast out from the order of the protectors and fled into the mortal world to seek her fortune elsewhere.

With her help, Darren repelled the demonic army of Asmoth'Koteth and saw the face of his true enemy. The man who orchastrated the death of his family, and maybe even the murder of his father, Kalaziel, Prime Saint of Valor.

Kalaziel killed Asmoth'Koteth and captured most of her soul, but not before Darren grabbed a piece for himself. Then he and Kalaziel fought, and Darren tested his enemies' strength. The fight cost him his life, but thanks to his ability to keep a spare body on hand, Darren cheated death and tricked Kalaziel into thinking he was dead.

After faking his death, Darren's adventures took him back into the Seven Hells, where he would grow his power faster than ever before. He completed quest after quest, slaughtering every demon he came across and gleaning secrets from his half of Asmoth'Koteth's soul.

Eventually, Darren's quests took him into the deepest depths of Hell itself, where he met the Lady of Darkness. Her name was Laura, and they played video games and ate a cherry pie together. There, she told him the secrets of the Heavens and Hells ran deeper than he could possibly imagine.

Now, Darren has rejoined his companions on the surface, stronger than ever and powerful enough at last to fight Kalaziel on even turns. But Kalaziel has already left the surface and is nowhere to be seen. Darren doesn't know what he's up to, but one thing is certain. His plans can't mean anything good for him.


That should cover the broad strokes. I try to keep these things as short as possible so people can get to the actual novel content quickly. I may still add stuff, depending on what the first few chapters end up reintroducing well and what needs a helping hand.

But this should remind you guys who the major characters are and what the main plot is.



Thanks for the recap. "Eventually, Darren's quests took him into the deepest depths of Hell itself, where he met the Lady of Darkness. Her name was Laura, and they played video games and ate a cherry pie together. " That line really hits a different note than the rest of it. Laura really is in a category of her own.

Justin Webb

the recap hits all the major points

Iron Akela

Personally, I’m surprised Salsroth isn’t mentioned, as that seems somewhat important. And the Blackwind Empire stuff, though considering where book 3 left off it makes total sense. Two things: 1) you don’t mention Callum at all, despite him being a major character. And you don’t mention Sasha’s surname yet you do for Morgana. 2) I think “loney” should be lonely :o)

Colin West

I think you left off a lot of what happened in the Black wind empire with Thalia.