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“Not for the view,” Sakura replied. “I came for you. Mind if I join you?”

I gestured to the ledge I was sitting on, legs dangling off the side of the building. We were three stories up, but the fall didn’t seem that scary anymore. I didn’t think it would hurt me even if I tried to jump to the ground from here.

“By all means, take a seat. There’s room enough for two.” As I spoke, I heard the scurrying of a cockroach following behind Sakura, and I pointed my finger and shot it with a Mana Bolt.

“Farming experience points?” Sakura asked as I killed another monster.

I shook my head. “I wish. I told you about the Death Curse, didn’t I? I don’t get any levels from this.”

Sakura sat down, her side pressed against mine. She was warm compared to the cold night air. The night chill didn’t bother me, but I was glad to feel her warmth all the same.

“You told me. But I didn’t mean you were farming levels for yourself. You know you’re still grouped with me, Bridget, Caleb, and Marcus, right? Marcus got a new level out of nowhere. It took us a bit of time to figure out it came from you.”

My eyebrows rose. “You mean to say the experience I would have gotten from these kills transfers over to you guys? That’s good news, at least. I’m glad the kills aren’t going to waste.”

Sakura shrugged. “We haven’t really been able to figure out how it works with what little we know. Maybe some testing is in order?”

“And here I thought you’d come out for my winning personality and charming wit,” I chuckled, but Sakura didn’t laugh. Instead, she leaned against me with a smile on her face.

“Maybe the testing was just an excuse to spend a little more time with you. You’re the only one who doesn’t look at me differently because of this.” Sakura gestured to her horn.

That was when I realized I wasn’t the only one dealing with problems. Sakura had gone through a transformation too, and hers had outwardly visible effects. I examined her again.

Sakura Miyamoto - Oni Barbarian (Level 10)

“My menu says I’m not a Homo sapien anymore,” Sakura explained. “I’m a Homo hornus.”

I stifled a snort. “I’m sorry. Homo... hornus?” That didn’t sound like Latin to me.

“Do you think I’m a monster now?” Sakura asked, voice serious.

I quelled my amusement and met her intense gaze. “No, Sakura. You’re not a monster. If anything, I’m a monster for killing all those people.”

Sakura bit her lower lip, holding it between her teeth a moment as she held something back. I waited, letting the silence draw her thoughts out into the open.

“I got so much bigger and more muscular. I’ve seen myself in the mirror. I hardly recognize myself.”

“You have gotten a lot taller. Honestly, I’m glad you ditched your heels. Otherwise, I’d be looking up at you.”

Sakura smiled a moment, holding her breath before asking what was truly on her mind. “How do I look to you? I’ve changed so much... I’m worried you might not like the way I look now.”

I poked her in the forehead, just beneath her new horn. “Don’t be silly, Sakura. I never liked you for the way you look. I like you because you’re you. You’re driven, dedicated, loyal, fiercely protective, and sometimes obsessed. And none of that has changed because of how you look.”

She melted against me. I didn’t realize how tense she’d been until that moment.

“But this new body. Is it... attractive?” Sakura pressed.

“You’re a lean and fit woman. Of course, it’s attractive. Any man would be lucky to have a woman like you around his arm. So what if you have a horn or are a little taller than normal?”

I felt her hot breath on my neck. It contrasted with the cool night breeze.

“I don’t care about any man. I’m asking you.”

Her head rested in the crook of my shoulder. I brushed my lips against her horn.

“You’re beautiful, Sakura. You were before, and you are now.”

“Sexy?” Sakura pressed.

I laughed. “I’ve seen your ass. I’m pretty sure I could bounce a quarter off it now.”

Sakura’s expression brightened. “Want to try?”

Between killing the occasional monster and seeing if Sakura leveled up, we also went hunting for quarters. And every time we stumbled across one, Sakura bent over the nearest object with her ass sticking out.

“Do it, Carter!”

“I think we’ve determined that it works already.”

“I want to be sure!”

We ended up going through an entire cash register’s worth of quarters before Sakura was satisfied, though she still wanted to try again.

“I bet they would bounce further if I took these pants off first. I think the fabric is cushioning them,” Sakura said.

“You might be right. Speaking of clothes, there is a clothing place I raided next door. They have some good survival gear, and we should really get you changed out of that office wear. It’s impractical for what we’re going to be doing.”

We headed over to the clothing place I had raided before. My fight with Craig and then with the Rat Matriarch had left what I’d swiped previously in tatters, so I picked out a new outfit myself and stashed away a few spares. These clothes were going to go quick once people started reaching high enough levels that the monsters couldn’t keep them locked indoors. The same went for all the food available in the grocery stores.

“Don’t go to the changing rooms. I don’t want you getting ambushed without me able to see you,” Sakura said as she flopped a pile of her stuff on the ground in front of me. Then she reached for her shirt. I saw her hands go for the hem of her tattered and undersized office blouse, and her fingers trembled as she grasped it. Then, with one sudden move, she tore it off and cast it aside.

At some point, she must have lost her bra, or it had become useless during her transformation because now she stood before me utterly topless.

A rosy blush covered her face, stretching from her cheeks all the way to the tip of the horn on her head. Sakura didn’t stop there, though. She kicked off the remains of her shoes, then pulled her pants down and tossed them aside just like the shirt. Blushing and bashful, she wrung her hands while she stood in front of me.

She turned, showing her entire body to me. Before, I’d thought she looked like an athlete, but now I was pretty sure athletes would be envious of her. Sleek and toned muscle merged smoothly into a tight hourglass frame that spoke of barely restrained power. She had just the right combination of curvy and muscular, and I found my hands reaching up despite myself to touch her perky breasts.

I was about to apologize and pull them back when Sakura grabbed my hand and ushered it to its destination. Then she stepped up close to me. Her hot breath tickled my ear as she spoke.

“You forgot to get undressed too.”

Before I knew it, my clothes were on the floor as well. It was Sakura’s turn to roam my body, which had changed just as much as her’s had.

The office life pudge I’d been accumulating ever since I started working under Sakura was gone. In its place was something lean and hard. I had more muscles than I knew the names for, each clearly defined and visible. I hadn’t really gotten a good look at myself, but I felt good. I felt healthier than I ever had before, like my body had shaken off some ill-fitting clothes that had restrained me for years.

Sakura’s tongue skated across her lips as she looked me up and down, and I realized I didn’t just feel good. I looked good as well.

“Sakura... there’s--“ I began, but she cut me off.

“Shh.” She pressed her finger to my lips. “I promised myself that if I got a second chance with you, I’d take my chance and not mess things up for lack of trying. Well, this is me taking my chance.”

She pulled her finger away, and a moment later, she replaced it with her damp lips. My hands found their way to the small of her back.

“Why don’t we help each other clean up?” Sakura suggested. “After all, as long as we’re standing so close to one another, we ought to make use of ourselves.”

Sakura handed me a damp towel, wetted down from the bathroom, and she held one in her own hands that matched it.

I ran the towel along her skin, wiping the grime off of her. It fell from her body surprisingly quickly, like all her skin needed was a little nudge, and suddenly it would be clean. Mine was the same way.

Then I felt Sakura’s hand roam lower. Her eyes were locked on mine, and I gasped when I felt her warm hands run along my shaft. It had hardened the moment Sakura had taken her shirt off, and by now, I was as stiff as I could be.

Sakura’s gaze had been focused on my face, so she seemed surprised when she looked down and saw the size of my cock in her hands.

“A-are they supposed to be that big?” Sakura asked with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

I chuckled. “No, the System improved me in more ways than one.”

“I see,” she said with a smile. Then she leaned in and kissed me.

She was clumsy and unsteady, and yet she pushed forward despite her fear. I’d never heard of Sakura bringing a previous boyfriend into the office or even mentioning one in conversation. If she told me I was her first, I would believe it. And yet she pushed through fear and inexperience, all the same, to get what she wanted. And I had the good fortune to be just that.

She pushed forward, straddling me and bringing her mouth closer to mine. I let out a soft groan of pleasure, pressing my palms flat against her bare skin. Our tongues danced together eagerly, tasting each other. Sakura moaned softly as our kisses grew deeper and more passionate. We both broke apart long enough to catch our breaths.

When we kissed again, Sakura seemed even hungrier and eager. She rubbed herself against me, grinding against me with a desperate need to feel me inside her. When I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her flush against me, she gasped loudly and clung to me.

With one hand, I slid my fingers along her smooth stomach. With the other, I cupped one of her tits. Sakura arched her back, pushing harder against me as I teased and toyed with her sensitive nipple. I pinched gently at first, but soon my thumb circled the nub. Sakura whimpered, biting her lower lip to muffle her cries.

“It would seem you’re quite human where it counts, Sakura,” I said as I teased her.

Her response was only to throw her head back even further, her lip caught between her teeth and blood rushing to her cheeks.

After several moments of teasing and pleasuring, I decided it was time for a change. I ushered her to the ground on top of the pile of fresh clothes we’d collected for ourselves. She let me guide her down, panting and blissful as she looked up into my eyes.

My fingers returned to her clit and worked it in earnest, rubbing it and circling it slowly. Sakura’s breathing became ragged, and her hips buckled slightly as she came undone.

Wetness pooled on top of the clothes beneath her waist, and slicking my fingers. She had been slick when I started, and now her juices dripped over my hand.

I continued to tease and rub her until I felt her body relax underneath me. Once she did, I flipped us around, positioning myself behind her and grabbing onto her hips.

“What are you planning?” Sakura whispered breathlessly.

“To fuck you senseless.”

And then I plunged into her.

Fabulous Phallus skill activated.

I had almost forgotten about my sex skill. When I picked it up, it had mainly been for me. I liked the idea of the skill. I hadn't really thought about using it on someone.

"O-oh god, heavens above!" Sakura panted. "Is... is this what sex is supposed to feel like?"

Sakura cried out sharply as I filled her entrance completely. She gripped the clothes beneath her wrists as she supported herself on her hands and knees.

She was panting and heaving with a single insertion, and the way her inner walls clenched around me made her seem like she was already on the cusp of orgasm.

"I have a special skill, Sakura. I have to warn you, part of what it said was--"

"Shut up and fuck me!" she begged, ass thrusting toward me with a look of desperation I'd never seen on Sakura's face before.

Apparently, my new skill was working as intended. I needed no further prompting, and I pulled out of her only to push back in once again. I felt something break as I pushed through, and I stopped. Had Sakura been a virgin before this? I never would have guessed from the way she was acting now, but she had been rather reserved back at the office.

I was about to ask if she was alright. I wanted to take things slowly, given my increased size. But before I could even ask, Sakura started pushing herself back against me of her own accord to meet my thrusts.

“Oh, God! Oh yes!”

Our bodies slammed together over and over again. Sakura screamed out loud, her voice echoing off the walls and bouncing around the room. The sound made me want to pound into her faster, and so I did. I fucked Sakura with all the vigor of our new bodies, making her scream louder and longer.

Her moaning cries were like music to my ears, and her body was an instrument. I learned her rhythm and how to push her to the fastest and loudest tempo. Perhaps another day, I’d take things slower, but the two of us needed this after spending so long in one another’s company and never being able to take things to the next level. I saw the desperate need in Sakura’s eyes and was surprised to sense the same feelings reflected in my own heart.

Sakura had been good to me. I wasn’t sure when liking her as a friend and a person had turned into lusting after her. Perhaps I’d repressed those thoughts because she was my boss, but now that the world had changed and my subconscious knew I no longer needed to hold back, all those feelings were bubbling forth and pouring into every thrust of my hips.

“I can’t believe we didn’t do this sooner,” I whispered between clenched teeth.

Sakura’s reply was less thoughtful and more passionate. “Fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

So I did.

As I pumped into Sakura’s tight pussy, I gave her exactly what she asked for. I plowed her relentlessly, fucking her harder and faster than I’d ever imagined possible. Sakura drooled and moaned as her face pressed against the ground as I took her from behind. I was suspecting she enjoyed being sexually conquered.

The sensations felt unreal. Enhancing perception had bolstered my sense of touch, and I felt that effect in spades now as Sakura squeezed down around my cock.

And from her reaction, Sakura was experiencing something even more amazing. Her screams echoed off the walls as she begged for release, begging me to give her everything I had.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I exploded inside of her.

Hot cum splashed up against Sakura’s cervix and soaked into her womb. My orgasm was powerful and intense, sending tremors throughout my whole body. Sakura moaned deeply as my seed spilled into her.

Once I finished emptying myself inside Sakura, I collapsed beside her on the pile of clothing. Sweat poured freely from our pores, dripping down onto the clothes below us. We were going to need to clean ourselves up all over again.

“Hey, I got a notification,” Sakura said. “My Damsel of Carter Smith title increased in rarity. Also, it’s asking me if I’d like to become pregnant.”

I chuckled. “Well, that’s convenient. I thought we were going to raid a pharmacy after this. Sorry, I lost control toward the end there.”

Sakura planted a kiss on my cheek. “I loved every minute. But...”

She frowned.

“What is it?”

“That’s weird.”

She shared her System screen with me.

You have lost a level! You are now level 9.

Warning! Your class skills will be locked until you return to level 10!

I sat up. What? Something had drained one of Sakura’s levels?

It was only then that I realized I had notifications as well.

Your title, Hero of Sakura Miyamoto, has improved to Rare rank. All effects have been enhanced, and the title has been refreshed for another seven days.

Attribute Redistribution Protocol activated! You have drained one level from Sakura Miyamoto!

Congratulations, you have reached level 18.

+1 all stats. You have four stats to distribute.

+4 Intelligence.

Somehow, my legendary title had taken Sakura’s latest level and made it my own. Judging by the time of the notification, it had happened right as we climaxed for the last time.

At first, I was afraid, but then the implications started making themselves clear to me. I could take Sakura’s levels. I could also help her level by forming a party with her and killing monsters. Because of my Death Curse, all the experience points from the kills went to her so she could gain levels. And then when she gained levels...

I didn’t voice the thoughts for fear of being wrong and letting myself down. But this was something I had to test.

I grabbed the damp towels we’d discarded and wiped the sheen of sweat off myself. As nice as having Sakura do it had been, things would have gone a lot faster if I had took care of this myself.

Sakura lay where she was, at least until we heard the skittering of claws nearby.

“I think all your moaning caught the attention of the local wildlife,” I chuckled. Though in truth, my Death Curse probably had a bigger role to play in attracting this thing than Sakura had.

“Crap.” Sakura stood and wiped herself down. She dressed as hastily as I was pulling her shoes on by the time the first rat stuck its head through the door. “I can’t use my more powerful skills until I reach level 10 again.”

I fiddled with my party interface as whatever creatures were hunting us made their presence known. I kicked everyone from the party except for Sakura. I wanted the experience for these kills to be as concentrated as possible.

“Don’t worry. I plan to get you back to level 10 as quickly as possible,” I replied. Then I shot my Mana Bolt and killed the nearest rat. It would be the first of many to die in pursuit of my freedom.



Thx for the chapter


Orgasm for levels kill beast repeat get more girls build harem level up, what an awesome way to make that a way of levelling instead of murder hobo more mr lover lover


Hot and sexy chapter. I like how this went. So Protocol requires him to be "intimate" with someone to get a level from them? Oh no. What will they do. Truly a cursed life he leads. Will he be able to bear such a terrible sacrifice for the sake of power? Will his ladies be willing to endure such a terrible fate to help him? Who can say? Well actually, I can say. He will and they will. Very happily endure it. It's not a flaw, it's a feature~ Also gives a pretext for harem there, since it'll spread the burden around. Especially if he can't control how much he takes. If he takes a full level each time, it's force them to wait a while between each "Drain" for her to build up enough levels that she isn't being kept from levelling. It's no good if he just takes all the experience he's helped her gain and leaves nothing for her. If there's at least one other girl (preferably more) and they take turns though.......


Glad the idea is going over well. I was a little worried people wouldn’t like it, but it seems I was worried over nothing.


Ive read a lot of harem books some i like more than others because the thought has been put into the mechanics of things, the percentage ones or the" i started at like a 5 then i became like a ten"(think conan talking to bruce lee) and bruce goes "oh i put my shit into agility and leveled both, but what happens at 100 or 1000 you already like huge how you going to fit in clothes or house or even be intimate with normal woman". Then pages of stats yawn oh look another skill i will add it to the gazillion other pages, do me a favour hide a secret code in the skills that when you line them up it says this is sooooooo bullshit.


Your ingenuity actually came as a surprise an oh thats a new take on the level fight shag your way to the harem top so i give you an A+++