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Editing book 4 is going well and I'm now at the point where I'm finalizing what will be in the published copy of the book. That means I can start work on my detailed book 5 outline. I'm sticking generally to the outline I made when I was figuring out book 1, but there's still a lot of details to work out and room for flexibility in writing the story I have in mind.

I'm leaving this as something of an open thread for people to bring up whatever they're interested in or would like to see more of. I can't guarantee for certain that anything in particular will make it into the book, but I will read every post and keep them in mind while hashing out the details.

Post something you're hoping to explore in book 5 (and beyond) or like the comment of somebody who posts something that seems interesting!


Jeff Kollada

I'd like to see more of your naming convention across the board. For me as a reader it helps with the world build and it's enjoyable to see


See about giving theo some fancy armor to fight in thats melds with his abilities ...just saying he has great weapons and his body already is pretty much a weapon/armor itself ... but some extra protection would be nice ...the armor could've been left to him by Dean or his other friend ...in a another secret vault that he has to unlock ...It would be cool if the armor level up with him too


I would like to see some more development with Theo's aura. Seeing denizens from the other worlds would be cool. For me, more friendly interactions like that of the goblin and dwarf would be welcome. Outside of Theo, I would enjoy seeing a story exploring the other worlds and their systems. I've been enjoying the Founding side story and wouldn't be adverse to new protagonists with their own tales.


It's been mentioned before but exploring the older ruins and finding treasure and knowledge from the previous golden age. Some adventures with Theo and his children.


Yeah, it's unfortunate that the first exploration of the ruins led by Comela happened off-screen. But there's still a lot more to explore!


Hopefully a solution for Segolas will be found. Maybe something in the ruins will help


I would like to see Theo explore train more and gain levels as he’s unlocking the seals on the forest. I think that’s a part of the story that was interesting but left untouched but this is the perfect opportunity to incorporate it. I keep reading and every time he has a opportunity to train and progress he doesn’t he just holds off to wait for the matriarchs to catch up. By having him work on bettering the forest he can better himself and the clan. You could also include some action between Theo and the acting queen in my mind she will jump his bones once he reaches a high enough level. I would say he should at least reach the sam level as his friends or higher before he meets up with them or finds them. But I definitely think this is the perfect time for him to grow his clan and take over the entire forest. You could also use this as a chance to put him against the queens aunt and her goddess or whatever. Have her try to take him away from his clan by force or something as a offering. That should be a good motivator to get him to train and level up in all three of abilities. And you could include a visit from the orc clams at the end so will include his orc woman more as well.

Dr. Redbush

I would like to see more of the Wanderer, and if I remember correctly, Theo had some sort of tattoo on his chest from the wanderer. What is the purpose? What extra powers does that bestow on him that makes him different than Sam and Dean? Maybe it was explained and I’m just forgetting since it’s been a while. Maybe Theo can bond with a third spellheart? Would love to see Theo grow in power faster. Maybe have a short term mission to one of the other worlds, perhaps to find an artifact to increase his power.


I'm hoping the period from mage acolyte to true mage will be the longest one in the series, since it's where I I had to introduce a lot of stuff in between. The tattoo you mention does exist and it appeared right after Theo bonded with The Wanderer. The implication is that Theo is bonded to The Wanderer and the tattoo is something to symbolize that. It might mean more, it might be just that. For anything else you'll have to wait and see!

Dr. Redbush

Ok cool, yeah I had always imagined that the tattoo might do something later on, although I’m not exactly sure what. Maybe it acts like a talisman, maybe it can glow a certain color depending on different situations. Maybe the tattoo changes as his power grows.. :)


I think adding some more woman to the .... Rotation is needed. He's allowing his inner circle to monopolize all his time, with so many viable options there should be some one-on-one night stands and closet quickies without remorse. Spread his influence (literally) and bind others to him by giving them what nobody else can!