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I thought about it for a long while and decided to put Eltiana on the cover. She has a major role in this story and is visually distinctive from the others, which I think works well with the new background theme for the new arc.

And since you guys are paying for it (I've been saving the Patreon money for this, thanks everyone) I decided to go for more of a full-body action pose rather than the normal thigh-up sketch I frequently got before.

You'll also notice that the background is a drawing of the capital instead of a forest scene like the previous three books.

Let me know what you think! I've got to give feedback in a few hours.



Jeff Kollada

I think it's a great change. Is her outfit going to be a mix of black and purple? It'll also be nice to see the different colored mountains represented here


Lol sweet ...funny black dot on the skirt though


Yeah having buildings on the mountains did require me increasing the budget a little more. Hopefully we get a very pretty cover though! The colors should approximate what's in the book, but they may not be exact as sometimes the right colors would clash with the background or just won't look as good on a real character as I thought they would when I wrote their description.