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Current schedule is 3 chapters per week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the usual time.

This will hopefully increase as I clear other stuff off my plate and can devote more time to writing.

I may do polls or other stuff on off days, but that's when chapters will come out for the foreseeable future.


Q: When will Spellheart 10, Cult of the Unblinking Eye come out on audio?

A: November 5'th, 2024

Q: When will Amazon Apocalypse 3 come out on audio?

A: It is currently in recording and I will tell you when I have a date. Right now, I'm guessing November, but this is just a guess.

Q: When will Amazon Apocalypse 4 come out on ebook?
A: I'm aiming to have it done before the end of the year. the audio will likely follow at the start of next year.

Q: What will you work on after Amazon Apocalypse 4 releases?

A: Unless I get really inspired by something else, it will be Amazon Apocalypse 5.

Q: How many books will there be in Amazon Apocalypse?

A: My current outline calls for 6 books, but every series I've ever done has called for at least one additional book beyond my original plans.

Q: Are you still beta reading books?

A: Unfortunately, I currently have 6 novels to finish beta reading. Sorry, I just can't keep up, and it isn't fair to put people on a months-long waiting list. This is closed until further notice.



Maybe, I am missing something but was Paladin finished or was it put on hold?


Paladin of the Sigil is completed. It was originally just intended to be a short diversion experiment for me, so I only plotted for 3-4 books. I didn't think it would actually be as popular as it ended up being.


Fucking EXCELLENT series! And one of my all time favorite MCs


Just wondering though… in book 1 would you call the Farmhouse Phantom… A Menace?


It was a pretty menacing phantom, yeah. I guess all I need now is to give one a droid army. Maybe teach it to pod race.


I got introduced Mr. Knight’s work through Jessica Threet’s fantastic narration of Paladin of the Sigil.


Also just wondering, do you get any nsfw versions done of your book covers?


Only two or three more after this? Shoot.


So which would make an exam proctor madder? A new applicant from a backwater world breaking out three proprietary Dragon Lodge skills/spells, or combining all three into a new, better, more cohesive spell/skill DURING the exam?