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Heya folks!

The last few weeks have been crazy busy, dealing with taxes, work fires and other stuff. But I'm happy to say things are FINALLY calming down again x3 which means I've gotten back into a good routine of writing new music. I'm currently writing for Joaquín Baldwin's new book series The NOSS SAGA as well as working with Alexander James Adams to produce what I think is going to be the most epic cinematic Christmas album that's ever been produced. Very excited to let you all hear these!

For this update though I'm happy to present "The Sky as my Guide", which is a character theme I'm currently working on for a Dragon friend. This is the first work in progress, and I'm quite excited as it's pretty much using the Piano as a lead and having the orchestra back it... aka my classic style >_>;

Hope you all enjoy so far - let me know what you think in the comments.

More updates coming!


Arabian Darkstone

Very very nice, love to see how it evolves overtime


Oh hells yeah, this is gonna be such the bomb. <3 Was that a little thunder at the end? =D