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Heya folks!

First of all I'm very sorry for the lack of content that was up in March, as some of you may have seen from my twitter - there was a LOT of family stuff going on. Literally funeral one weekend, to a wedding the next. This left me very little time, even including my music stuff. Then right after I was whisked away to several shows in Toronto, Dallas and now in Orlando. Tomorrow I head to the Motor City for another convention there, but I'm going to try and keep up with everything so that I can keep this my most active place. (Seriously, thank you for the support on here, it really *really* does help - and it's all going towards my music.)

For now enjoy a new Patron level exclusive song - I've got multiple WIPs and pieces in lossless form that i'll upload for all my patreon levels too.

ALSO - For those with the $25 level, remember you have skype time, I do have a few free days coming up, if you wanna chat for a little bit - I'd love to hear from you :)

Thanks again and happy spring time! <3

Fox Amoore.



I for one can wait. Family is far more important. Especially during such memorable moments. I have previously expressed my impression with you on how you can keep living at such a pace. And this continues onwards and onwards. I certainly cannot complain. Your music is wonderously wonderful - and I fullheartedly enjoy your every take on creativity. Thank you for all this :)

Dan Czarnecki

Hey, family comes first! I still appreciate all your time and effort you've put into getting Hashtag on vinyl as well as The Dreamcatcher. Can't wait to get both of those LPs! :D