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Hey Happy New Year and all that! Hope you had fun, had good times. Apart from taking 3 days to get to Germany (Thanks British Airways -always a pleasure), I was fortunate to spend it with some amazing friends. <3

I have here a lil thingie i've been working on since I got back. Currently un-named, but a theme for Vrika whom is a Wolf residing in a Celtic world. 

Fortunately no Torture Trumpet/Bagpipes - at least Scottish ones, BUT there's some Irish in there. Cause Ireland.

Lemme know what you think so far! I should be finishing this up this month!

- Fox.




Coming a long nicely there. Though, about the 1:00 mark, maybe it's just me, but I feel like you lose the flow, and it gets a tiny bit too busy. It only lasts a moment, but you might want to take a listen and see if you agree. I can definitely catch the Irish influence though. I like it so far.