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Heya folks!

Thank you all once again for the support, things are starting to pick up here in terms of productivity, plus also with it being December I feel less bad about sharing Christmas music I've been working on with you all for the last... Year x3

This is the second track from the second album that myself and Alexander James Adams have been working on. The general theme for the second album is about Santa and delivering presents. I'm kinda going for the Death Stranding angle of "The Great Deliverer", so a lot of the music will incorporate elements from that games rather amazing soundtrack. (Even if you didn't enjoy the game, the music is just utterly beautiful.)

Each of these tracks will feature a classic Christmas song, this one being Away in a Manger. It's kinda cool how different it can sound when put in a minor key, ended up kinda Game of Thrones-y :P

Enjoy! I'll be doing a Patreon exclusive Christmas themed show later this month too. And a bunch of other things are almost finished and ready to share <3

Much love <3


PS! If you have telegram and you'd like to be part of my patreon group drop me a message on here or DM me on telegram at @FoxAmoore and I'll respond asap.


Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

Oh sounds so viking. I know where to play it - The great viking hall. Sad is only patreon else I would share it.