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Oooft. I don't even know where to begin. First let me apologise (again x3) for the severe lack of updates. Those of you that have been following on FB will likely already know, that our dog of 13 years died. She had been gradually getting sicker over the last couple of months, and it was utterly heart breaking to see her decline. It had a really stressful effect on all of us. I am a little happier now knowing that she is no longer suffering... But yeah, it really sucked ><

ANYWAY - Happier news, I have finally pulled myself out from the abyss and I am beginning to get back into music. I wanted to post this last month (obvious given the title haha), but yeah. I hope you all enjoy this 45 min piano show. I took a few requests and also did some of my own covers as well as improv. Let me know what you all think, I will be doing this now once every month. Please try not to share as I want to keep this as something special for you all ^^

I have also attached the full mp3 recording. I'll make another post for THIS month's show next week, where you'll be able to make requests, and I shall do my best to include them.

Thank you all once again for your patience and understanding, I have a huge backlog now that I have to catch up on. But for the first time in a while, I'm quite PUMPED to get it done. So keep an ear out! ^_^


Fox Amoore.

PS if for any reason the video doesn't work above, you can get it directly here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zc68gozf9hfo5he/2021-08-03%2013-02-02.mp4?dl=0

EDIT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ljtykckvgbon3jz/Patreon%20Exclusive%20Show%20JUL21.mp3?dl=0  (To access the mp3 as it seems Patreon didn't want to attach it x3)


2021-08-03 13-02-02.mp4

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!



That was lovely and soothing. Just what I needed to hear.


that was a good listen, to help me through my slow morning at work, certainly a nice monthly treat. Glad you're starting to feel better ^^