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Heya folks! So after reaching my first milestone, I'm now going to try something for the first time. I want to create a song, which is shaped ENTIRELY by you guys, then share it.

So what I need is a bunch of the following:

Instruments - What instruments do you like and would like featured? Remember there's different varieties... Think Percussion as well as melodic!

Style - Something hard, heavy or something soft and sensual?

Genre - Orchestral and soundtrack? Something a bit more funky, or jazz or even something in the EDM regions.

Anything else you can think of.. Throw it out there (well.. On here.) I will try and make the song up to a minimum of 3 minutes in length.

So don't be shy... Put in your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.. And lets just see what happens. I've never done this before, so it'll be fun as well as experimental :D



S. J. Tucker

How about something with a sassy groove that you might hear on a belly dance mix, with a fujara or similar overtone flute in it somewhere? :D


I would suggest a happy ragtime riffs on a trompet, accompanied by a distorted electric guitar. Then throw in some strings and an accordion ;)