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Heya folks! Thanks for bearing with me as I finished off the Fandom - Documentary soundtrack. It's turned out incredible and I cannot wait for it to be released for you guys to see. And on that subject, I'm gonna ask if I can give you guys an advance listen to some of the music myself and Pepper worked on.

Here though is a brand new piece I recorded this morning. "The End of Night". Let me know what you think, it is a piece I've been considering adding an orchestra to, since I'm quite happy with the melody.

Enjoy! ^^ <3



Kevin Johnsen

Really enjoyed that! I don't know if it needs a full orchestra, might change the mood it evokes too much, might make it too "grand", but I would like to see how it sounds with maybe a string section or two in there might make it just slightly richer without going too overpowered.


I'm torn because it's lovely as it is, yet at times it felt... I don't know, incomplete. Like something more was needed to make it truly angelic. It could be that it's an somewhat repetitive melody and I tend to lose interest after the third repeat. Or maybe it has a few too many pauses of silence that make me expect something, only to get a repeat of the same. Wish I could offer better feedback. I'm a writer, not a musician.