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Gather ‘round cowboys, step back from the bar

Sit and I’ll spin you a tale thick with woe

Bitter and raging till nothing could stop him

A coyote named Siph and the path that he rode


Some folks may never love wisely or well

But a love song unsung is its own kind of hell

Born with no parents, and no need for friendship

Spent his days drinkin’ and rilin’ up fights

Soon he grew lonesome and craved something bigger

Someone to help him get through his hard life.

One day he’s sittin in a bar much like this one, 

howling around like the coyotes do, 

when he sees eyes of green, hair red as a flame, 

and a smile ‘tht could make any black heart beat true.


Now Siph is no stranger to pickin up cowpokes. 

but this one seems special, was he sent from above?

Siph’s gets all nervous, but for maybe no reason

another two hours and they’re making - OUT

Spoken: Sorry Folks, this is a family song.

Less than a month the two’s runnin’ together

ramblin for once without causin’ no harm

but see here’s the issue, Red’s already taken

by someone immune to a coyote’s charm.


Eventually Siph, he can’t take it no more

Can’t stand the thought of more wasted years

It’s bend or be broken and he knows the outcome

Packs up and leaves to beat anger and tears

Over his shoulder he sees Red’s dark window

Askin’ god why he can’t get what he needs

Sulkin’ on horseback Siph rides to the city

To busy his mind with some beer and dark deeds



Gamblin, whorin, and drinkin’ away all his pain

Longing to see Red pick up a guitar and howl again

Spend so many nights tossin’ and turnin’ and wonderin’ why he had left

Hopin’ to see those eyes of green, hair red as flame.

Siph has a chance to get in on a heist

It’d take him close back to where he last saw Red

Robbing a train cuz he’s got naught to lose.

Track down his lover or else end up dead.

Job’s going smooth, in the dark of the night

till a flash of a badge and a gun much the same

No time fer questions, no time to think twice

Siph takes a shot (gunshot noise and pause) 

and sees eyes of green, and the hair red as flame


Marshal takes a fall, out the car, down a ravine,

Siph’s gang hauls him off, giving him no time t’grieve.

Only knows some time later he’s lost in a bar, drowning in pain

told a body’s been found with hair of red and eyes of green

Next thing Siph knows, the bar’s torn to pieces

Blood’s on his paws, his gun lay empty

Mind may be broken, he turns to the bartender.

The last thing he hears is a snarled “Where is he?”

Siph can’t find peace and that should be th’end

His yearnin’ fer Red who he could never be with

The cavalry caught him, he was hung for his killings

“Where is he” were the last words from the coyote named Siph

Course sometimes folks say, if yer real unlucky

Y'might see a ki-yote, clothes tattered and spare

Hear the jangle've spurs and the tapping of claws

"Where is he?” are the last words that you’ll ever hear.

Some folks may never love wisely or well

But a love song unsung is its own kind of hell


Hiya folks! I did a cover that one of my dear friends recently released. I had the great pleasure of having ShadowWolfen sing the beautiful and fun lyrics. It's a smooth feelsy ballad about two coyotes and a whole lotta yappin' and lovin'. And no love song is without tragedy.

Commissioned by Siphedious. Thank you yote <3

Hope you enjoy! Original song was by Pepper Coyote.  https://lookleft.us/ 


JB Raccoon

This is an amazing song! I never got the privilege to hear the original, but if it's anything like this oh yeah!


The original can be found here - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30514939/


This is fantastic. Really, I like it more than the original.


Aw, don't let Pepper hear you say that. I think they both have their virtues.