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Heya folks and greetings from Virginia :)


Just finished up my 7th con of the year (I know right - I don't know how my body manages it XD) and I wanted to send you all a message and say thanks again for all the support you're giving me, it means a huge deal.


As of right now I'm resting/recovering at a friends place in Virginia, then tomorrow evening i'll be flying back over and straight into a weekend in France. THEN a few days after that i'm over to Seattle for Rainfurrest and then a week in Vancouver to recover from THAT con too!


We currently stand at 38 Patrons which is so freaking cool. Just 2 more and I'll get out the recording drive from Abbey Road and give you guys a bloopers reel of the Abbey Road out-takes, which isn't anywhere else at all!


Shirt designs are well underway and I have a logo to use from them as well. There's going to be two shirts: One a Come Find Me shirt and the other a more general Fox Amoore shirt.


More updates soon!



Fox Amoore


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