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Hiya everyone! After so many years of trying to get the right meds, it finally feels like I have some that work for me, it's helping me take care of all my issues that have built up over the years, especially when it comes to anxiety.

This is good because it means I can be much more productive again, so I'm gonna start today with a WIP I'm working on for a patreon friend - Arabian Darkstone.

Goes back to a lot of my traditional ideas of sweeping melodies, atmospheric intro as well as a few unique instruments (Still pondering if I can get a Hurdy Gurdy in there somewhere. >_> ) There's a lot of traditional RTS game OST influence as well as a bunch of feudal era instruments in general (What I would give to own real ones of these.)

Hope you all enjoy! LOTS of updates coming, and I'll begin setting dates for some live streaming shows and chat sessions later this month.

Fox Amoore.


Jared Hincy (A.K.A. Leonato Lynx)

Wish I could <3 this many times! Arabian is a good friend, and I'm loving how his theme is sounding! Loving the RTS OST feel too! (I'm an RTS junkie) =^.^=

Plar Curander

This sounds so amazing! Great job dude. :>