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Hey guys, gals, and assorted pals,

I'm trying to keep everyone at least sort of updated on my activities so I figured I'd try to write these things at least twice a month.  Speaking of months, this is National Novel Writing Month, so that is going to make things a bit... different.

I'm not starting a NEW story (too many irons in too many fires for that unfortunately), BUT I do want to recapture that NaNoWriMo feel.  As such, now that the big Dream chapter I dropped yesterday is out of the way, I'm going to be focusing as much as possible on writing one story at a time.

That means, finishing Tower of Somnus Book 3 as rapidly as possible, followed by finishing Blessed Time Book 3 (or first half of disaster two or Arc 5 if you want to think of it like that) in succession.  I'll probably take one pause around the midpoint of the month to write another Dream chapter, but my goal (if possible) is to polish off two books this month, once again by writing an unhealthy amount at unhealthy speeds.

After all, what are my poor suffering editors for but to pick up the pieces after I rocket through a novel?

In other news, Blessed Times' release is going very well, and Viceroy's Pride is set to start releasing on December 1 (every book got pushed back slightly for audio production/editing reasons).  As such, I'd like to thank everyone who bought a book, left a review, or generally thought a warm thought in my direction regarding the publication.

Finally, what is everyone else up to.  Do you have any fun holiday plans?  Maybe any ideas for a short Christmas special that I could post as a 'thank you' for patrons?

: )




Oooh, exciting! I look forward to… basically all of this! The Christmas special sounds especially cute— I have a fondness for seasonal short stories in every format.


I hope we get more Sam. Dream is my favorite story