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I'm thinking of making this a semi-regular thing, but I guess that will depend upon your feedback.  First I'd like to apologize for not writing as much as I'd have liked over the course of the Summer.  This has been for a couple of reasons:

First and foremost: I had a very close family member come down with a sudden onset condition that could have resulted in death.  Like "twelve hours from healthy to gone" sort of sudden onset.  This... messed me up pretty badly, I'm not going to lie.  I kept thinking I was beyond it and trying to push myself to do more only to end up ripping the bandaid off of the situation and making it worse.  Right now, I do think that I'm ACTUALLY beyond it, but hey, I've said that to myself before.

Secondly: Work has been awful.  Between people leaving and me having to train new people, I've been working pretty rough hours at the office.  The combination of this and the first point tended to wipe me out to the point where I would just stare at the screen.  I might get 300 words down (my chapters average 2000-4000 words) but nothing more.  The work situation isn't totally better, but the situation is marginally more manageable right now.

Finally: Holy crap is publishing hard.  Editing, putting together forwards/afterwards, taking part in marketing campaigns.  All of that stuff is a whole lot of work.  I'm super glad that I have publishers to help me out on this because even with them its been an absolute nightmare.

So, what is to come?

I have some ideas for new books on deck, but for the moment, they are on hold because my current publication schedule is already too aggressive.  How aggressive might you ask?  This is what the future looks like at the moment:

Blessed Time 1 (already released)
Blessed Time 2 - End of October
Viceroy's Pride 1 - End of November
Viceroy's Pride 2 - End of December
Blessed Time 3 - End of January-End of February, depending upon writing speed
Viceroy's Pride 3 - Mid February
Tower of Somnus 1 - Mid April
Tower of Somnus 2 - Late May
Tower of Somnus 3 - Early July

My roadmap also has at LEAST a Blessed Time and Tower of Somnus 4, and I'm trying to see if I can slot Dream of Wings and Flame into March, but a lot of that is up in the air.

This means that the immediate plan for the future involves finishing off Somnus 3 ASAP before focusing on Blessed Time 3 (if possible I want it to release in late January).  

So anyway, that's what's going on with my writing life.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below.  Otherwise I'll just keep happily posting into the void as per usual.

As always, thanks for reading.

: )



Matthew McRoyall

It's OK to take time for you and your family. I support you because I love your books and from the way you write it seems you love writing. if it becomes a chore the beautiful characters and stories you make will suffer. I'm loving wings of flame and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


Firstly, updates are always good. Secondly I haven't noticed a reduced update schedule but I also only joined so it is fine. Lastly, sorry about for family member and there is no need to rush! *Hugs


Thanks for reaching out. I want to be more open with the community because I genuinely like most of you guys that I do interact with. For me, writing has never been a chore. There are just times when the tank is empty. When I just wanna write something but there's nothing there. That's my big frustration (and hopefully something largely in the rear view).


I like writing a lot! If you're new, you aren't used to me putting out 4ish chapters a week pretty consistently. I miss being able to do that. : (


Thanks for the update! It’s always good to hear from you. The publishing plan looks very exciting for us but very intimidating for you, so please take whatever time you need! Your family and your actual work come first, and we’ll happily wait.