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I was wondering.. what about a trans woman who gets cursed or attacked and now have to turn into werewolf? Human identities on their society can be a thing but biology is another business. Maybe I shouldn't go deeper with my ramblings.




There is a lot of ways this can be taken. Does she retain her mental faculty when changed? Are they functionally two separate entities? How dysphoric is she? If she isn't dysphoric, than accentuating sex traits may not really impact her at all. There's also the matter of lycanthropy already creates impossible biological changes, so why is it expected that the transwoman should be more stereotypically masculine rather than feminine? The whole of it could just be an examination of gender fluidity. The only really basic way would be as a means to create suffering in the character. A dysphoric transwoman becoming more alienated and distressed by this hyper masculine body being forced upon her. However, it's not exactly saying or exploring things that aren't already a daily occurrence in many trans lives.


I actually have a character like this (And Zibyr's drawn them A couple times, lol). She's a trans woman werewolf who was born as a werewolf and would normally retain her faculties when transformed. Upon transitioning into a woman, however, her werewolf side rebelled in a way, and now she usually disassociates when she transforms. Her wolf form is hypermasculine, and so is the persona as a wolf, which generates conflict with her human self. There's also conflict with the wolf side when the human's feminine traits sometimes leak into the wolf side.