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Hey there,

As you know already, some days ago I had to face a harsh situation which made the monthly art production slow and everything got postponed. Fortunately we could save the life of my family member and even when recovering will be long, he's alive and willing to fight.

I got bankruptcy and I owe lots of money but could save the day. Now, with the situation more under control I've had time to back to work and bad thing the end of month arrived and I won't be able to finish the whole projects within this ending month.

I know it can be disappointing or something for you but I'm working hard in order to make the whole projects and rewards as soon as I can. I feel full of energy and inspiration to back to work.

I must let you know that I have a huge gratitude for your patience and support and I will understand if you stop supporting me. But be sure that I will finish every agreed project with renovated energy and willing to rise like the phoenix.

With hard and dedicated work I will recover myself and I will give you the best version of the tiger.

Thank you very many.

~ Zibyr


Donovan Grayson

I'm glad they're OK but I'm sorry to hear what a rough position you're in, I hope things get better


You're terrific and it's a pleasure to support you. Best wishes as you tackle your work!