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As mentioned at the beginning of the month there are going to be some changes to the patreon tiers starting in June. 

The first of these changes has to deal with the $5 tier. The Polls associated with the tier will be changed moving forward. From now one, everyone from that tier can submit an idea (maybe multiple ideas depending on how many we get) and I will pick at least one a week to sketch. The following month those sketches will be collected and a poll made to vote in a full colour image for the most popular one. If someone (or group) wants to bypass the poll for a sketch they can commission a full colour at a large discounted rate.

The rest of the rewards for the tier will remain the same.

The second major change will be the introduction of a new tier $15 tier. This tier will be limited to 4 people to start. The tier will be for a monthly flat coloured sketch (still figuring out how I want to do the colouring. That will take some experimenting). This tier will not effect the goal for the second drawing goal. 

I am also going to try to make an effort to post more patreon exclusive wips. 

Lastly if there are other rewards you are interested in or that you think would make you likely to increase your pledge feel free to let me know. I've considered streaming as wel.



Awesome Work 👍👍👍👍👏😀😆🤗😇😸🎂


Nice idea. Will need to keep my eyes peeled for when that $15 tier drops then