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November is Mineru Month!

This month is pretty exciting I think.
Of course if you do not enjoy MINERU ART I understand wanting to dip out before the clock strikes midnight on Halloween.

All 3 of the shown pics(and WiPs) will be posted around 10amEST on November 1st!

I'll be accepting ONE Mineru suggestion this month!
Suggestions can be made between November 1st-3rd, and be voted on November 4th-6th
This tiny window is due to November being a crazy month for me and I want to be totally sure I can complete it in time.

I've been working SO FREAKING HARD, MAAAAAAAAAN!!! I wanted to make sure I had everything prepared  ahead of time since November and December tend to be extremely busy for me.
I'm working on this year's Christmas cards since last year I didn't have the time to make Christmas cards at all. I'm probably not going to make wrapping paper though, because the company I used to get custom wrapping paper from stopped doing it.

Most of this year has been a bit of a hell-mess, with combined unlucky/tragic events demolishing almost everything intended for it, throwing me into an impossible despair for the majority. I am walking in to the next year with a combined determined fury and cautious... optimism? At this point I've given up on things going as planned and have decided to toss long-term planning itself out the window, save for a handful of "worst case scenario" plannings. I'm just going to do what I can as good and/or as fast as I can while I'm physically able.

Hope for the best and plan for the worst and all that jazz.
Thanks so much for being on that ride with me!!



Phoenix Astra

Is mineru your oc? Whoever they are, they look really cool!