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OKAY!! I'm sure many of you Complete Breakfast patrons noticed the goodies haven't been sent yet! I PROBABLY SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING SOONER but I wanted to do it with photos so I was held up by.... photos.

I'm going to drop the bad news first!!

The shipping took longer than usual due to new(more new) Covid restrictions. When I finally got them there was a problem. 65 out of 100 ORDERED SOCKS SHAKER CHARMS would not shake properly! Some would not shake at all!!! I only need 45 working shaker charms for Patrons so this was very very very bad luck. I ordered 100 which is over 100% more than I actually needed thinking I was covering my bases! But the universe said NO.

It seems they were probably squished during shipping. I contacted the supplier about the issue and they insist they all shook properly before they packed them up! I totally believe them but I also feel it should be on the supplier to pack things so shipping wont utterly destroy them. They offered me a 10% discount for the replacement order which is better than nothing, but still less than fantastic.

SO I am now waiting on the 40 other Socks shaker charms I just ordered. I really really hope they actually deliver within May and I at least have 15 more working Socks charms.

I intend to send out both the April goodies and the May goodies together because of this.

I'm also so paranoid for the Socks charms that I don't really want to rely on bubble mailers this round, so I bought a bunch of boxes and bubble wrap so I can make these as SAFE as possible!!!

Now the GOOD NEWS!

The Sheena standees and the Spamton charms came out nearly flawless so there's no worry about those!

Also!!! I plan on putting the leftover Fox Potion Acrylic charms up on my Etsy soon!! It's been nearly a year, so nobody will mind, right? I'm really enthused about this character and I want to do more with it.

OH and of course here is the Sheena sticker design for May! It'll be a clear sticker. For what it is, it ended up taking way longer than it should have, but HERE IT IS!!!

((TD;DR: Due to unfortunate events, April's goodies are late going out and SHOULD be shipped in May with May's goodies.))

Thanks for your patience with me during these crazy times.
Your support means so much. <3

Stay awesome!!



Aaron Jeffery

That is a bummer about the shakers. In the event of more issues if you still come up short I would be happy with one of the defects.


As long as they don't show up sliced up to my door. Everything will be all good! It's always a wonder how things like that happen. SOmeone having a bad day or indeed poor packaging or maybe the mailing truck flipped on the highway. Who KNOWS! Either way! I can't wait for this month's goodie box because it's gonna be thiccc.