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THE GOODIES HAVE BEEN DECIDED! Also please note the merch pictures are from the manufacturer rep so they aren't fantastic, I'll have better pics when I have them in my hands!

April's goodies, as you probably noticed me mention several times, are the Socks the Skunk shaker charm(complete breakfast tier) and a clear sticker of Socks holding a clover(sticker tiers)!

May's goodies will be SHEENA STANDEE!!! And of course a Sheena sticker that I will design this month.

Oh also the Spamton shaker charm(that i am in love with) is gonna end up in my shop. The borders were too think to utilize originally so I ended up making a quick background based on the Cybercity switch background! Also please, NOTE THAT DOLPHIN CLASP HEHEH.

Forgive me for this text wall but I'll appreciate a read through!

I've been trying my best to fight these changes off, but it has to happen. I think over all it may be for the best? 


The sticker tiers will still be active of course.

I plan to message every "Complete Breakfast Tier" about these changes TWICE in May. Once in the beginning of the month, and once at the end of the month so nobody misses out.

Don't feel bad about cancelling/lowering your pledge over this. I'm a consumer too, so I get it hahaha. (Though if you do cancel your pledge over this, you should totally lie to me and say it's for financial changes in the exit survey even if it's not to avoid breaking my fragile heart lmao)


I can't keep up with them, in multiple ways. I let my enthusiasm run away with me, but between figuring out the merch every single month and the actual cost of that merch, and the shipping of that merch to ME, and the time and cost of shipping of the merch to Patrons, and the taxes of my Patreon earnings, I end up barely breaking even for all that work. I know it's my fault for picking pricey kind of merch. and "always wanting the best for my Patrons" It's a nice thought but another example of my enthusiasm carrying me off.

To keep myself afloat I've had to take extra outside work. This created a Patreon that was pretty much based in merch design for merch half the Patrons aren't even getting due to being in the smaller tiers?

There's also the factor of trying to figure out ahead of time how many of a merch I'll need and how many extras I should get due to manufacturing errors and always getting extras to make sure I have enough, then also being stuck with many extras afterwards.

Then the final fact of it all:

I have a store.

It seems silly to be struggling month to month on Patreon merch when I have a perfectly good Etsy(though I may move to a different platform soon) that I can add to when I have good ideas for merch. I think this is probably for the best too, since that removes some of the Patreon FOMO and folks who want multiples of the same goodies have the option.


This will let me ship out stickers in the beginning of the month since I won't have to worry much about upgraded tiers and whatnot!

Now for the understandable question:

"What's the point of being in Complete Breakfast Tier after May's over?"

My plan is to make the "visible" add to the tier an extra vote in suggestion polls. HOWEVER!! I do plan to do special things with the generous folks who do stick around in that tier. It will be different things at different times since I don't want to make promises that put me in difficult situations. So pretend it's just an extra vote and be surprised when I surprise you!

"What about the international tiers?"

I'm unpublishing that tier as soon as May is over. There really is no point to it if I'm not shipping anything!

Honestly, for a little bit I was considering closing my Patreon entirely, but it seemed kind of silly to do when I could just remove the piece that was giving me grief.

I want to get back to REALLY drawing fun crazy things again and not having to stress the "merch time limit". Not to say my merch isn't fun crazy things, but I want more freedom for more wild shenanigans! Now that my Patreon merch plate is (mostly)clear I already have many fun ideas that I want to do with you all. The $5+ tiers should keep an eye out on April 1st for something fun.

Thanks so much for reading this wild wall of text, I know it's a lot.
And as always
Your kind support and understanding is so very appreciated.




Oh nooooo i just re-pledged 😭😭 totally understand if its too much stress for you though, will you still be doing prints and stickers? If so, should i choose a different tier?


Oh Patreon prints have already ended since 2022. Stickers are still going to be a thing though! I can't tell if you read properly though? April and May still have goodies coming. If you want to cancel early, I'll probably sell the leftover Socks shaker charms in the shop in a few months. They'll be listed at $25 each+ shipping. If you're only in it for the mail goodies, you can downsize to $10(1 sticker) or $17(double stickers) in May if you want a deal on the last remaining LARGE goodies.


Oohh i totally forgot that prints ended!!! No i will defo stick around for april and may rewards!!! And i will stick around either way to support you, i love seeing your new artworks!!! I may move to the double stickers tier in May though!


Actually i think i will move to the non international complete breakfast tier if thats ok for you! :D id still like to support on this level


Completely understood and thank you for being so transparent with us, as well as continuing your Patreon! Just glad to see your art and have the opportunity to buy sweet merch. Always enjoy shopping your Patreon as well, and if that's better (or an alternative shop) in the long run for you it sounds like a win/win =) Super excited for these shaker charms/stand btw - brilliant as always!


Oh that's kind of you! Just make sure that you stay in international for April and May if you want the ShakerCharm and Standee! Once the May pledge goes through, you can change tiers so that you won't have to worry about the extra bit going in on June. :>


Thanks so much for understanding! HONESTLY IM LIKE so nerve wracked that everyone's going to be super mad at me for this, but I like to be transparent as I can, especially for HUUUUGE changes like this. There's just so much I want to do, I just need to keep my over-enthusiasm in check when making decisions that have longterm consequences. I really hope folks like what I plan to do though. I think it will be a lot of fun.


Great sounds good!! Looking forward to it :D maybe the extra i save on shipping in the future i can save to pay for shipping from your etsy xD


I hope you're not too worried about people being mad Citrine, we all love supporting you and love your work and understand you are also a person with limits!!!! Its great you are looking after yourself 🖤


Socks charm is so cuuuuute!


It's hard to not be worried! Feels like breaking a promise almost, ya know? x.x; I am glad you understand though. I just wish I didn't have limits so I could do all of the cool things I want to do all the time!

Ohad Kanne

All good and valid, Melan! 💙 LOVING the new awards, and as always: Super excited for them all! I'm planning on keeping my pledge as it is for the time being, for support c:


You're always too good to me, man! I really hope you enjoy what I plan on doing in the future!~


It's all good! Ultimately, your enjoyment and health matter much more than the merch does ~ I can definitely understand the costs of it all, given that the cost of shipping from Etsy is about half of what I'm pledging >.> At the end of the day, I don't support you because of the merch, and I am happy that it should ease up some stress for you! I'll be supporting you either way ~

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 18:41:58 *Laughs in Forbidden Socks I'll be staying, obviously. All I ask is more voting power. :>
2022-04-01 03:27:45 *Laughs in Forbidden Socks I'll be staying, obviously. All I ask is more voting power. :>

*Laughs in Forbidden Socks I'll be staying, obviously. All I ask is more voting power. :>


Oh yeah! In June, I'll probably start having 2 suggestion polls, the regular one, and a special extra one just for Complete Breakfast socks and up! Then I'll combine the end results of the two for the winning suggestion!


That's very sweet of you!!! And yeah, shipping(especially the international kind!) can be a LOT! I still want to take time to make merch but at my own idea-pace! <3 I'm hoping I can level up my work overall to make up for the disappearing bonus-merch aspect.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 18:41:58 Im in it more for the support than anything honestly <3
2022-04-01 23:30:58 Im in it more for the support than anything honestly <3

Im in it more for the support than anything honestly <3