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Nobody has to understand it. As long as you're not hurting anyone, if it makes you happy, you deserve to be happy.

The first of my skunk thoughts.

These aren't meant to be super deep or anything. I guess they're more like how Socks originated- small doodles I use to express myself.

I don't really plan to post these many other places. Especially not twitter. These are just simple thoughts for me and anyone else who wants to take something away from it. Your typical social media junkies tend to constantly look for exceptions to vague statements in a desperate attempt to look smart, but I'm sure you wonderful supporters know what I mean.



Ohad Kanne

It does feel deep though, and on a personal level I wholeheartedly relate to that. That is very precious, and works so well with your style. Thank you for making this ❤️


I'm glad you like! I plan to make more- at least one per month, perhaps more if I'm feeling it at the time. <3

Cocoa Fox

Seriously just seeing this when you showed it to me meant a ton. This is the mantra I’ve always tried to live by, even if I’m scared to do it myself sometimes.... Good job making Socks the most relatable skunk to me.


I'm happy Socks is relatable to you!! She's very relatable to me, HEHEH! Sometimes we need to remember that out happiness matters too. :>

Sylver Tsuki

I really needed this today, its been a rough couple of weeks


But isn't it WRONG to be happy if your happiness is from doing CRIME? I'm a twitter user and I'm very intelligent


Oh man! I better put a dozen asterisks at the bottom of this picture just for you!!!


Awww!!!! I hope things get better! The world can be very mean sometimes. :<


I am happy with socks, socks is happy with socks, power to the socks!